
I've bought this chassis as part of a job lot & wondered if anyone can advise me regarding what Land Rover it's from? I believe it to be from a 90? Also, where would I find the chassis number?


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Looks like a 90.
Number is stamped on the vertical face of the front off side chassis rail around where the steering box would bolt on.
Does look like a 90 chassis. Number should be on front O/S chassis leg [ outer plate] near where the bumper mounts. [ that is if it has not corroded away.]
Something strange about it, looks more to be a hybrid chassis (i.e. an old RR chassis converted to take a Defender body)?

Tabs on the rear crossmember look very tall.
Front outriggers look to be Series items.
Rear outriggers are rectangular whereas they should be tubular, once again look to be Series items.
The crossmember behind the rear spring seats.
Have you measured the wheel base? ctr front to rear springs?

Yeah, I measured - it's about 90inches. I need to move it on as it takes up a lot of room, but I need to identify it first. It does seem to be some sort of hybrid. It's a good solid chassis. Not sure what it's worth?
Looks to be hybrid off road type chassis.
Rear bit looks like 110 as springs are close to cross member, maybe a half chassis welded in.
Put it on ebay and let the buyers decide what it is.

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