1. the hooded claw

    blowing hot and freezing cold all at same time!!

    Started with the Late TD5's LR 3 & 4 so ...YEAH they do !!!
  2. the hooded claw

    Back off!!

    I THINK it was about 2005 ish .... When did the LR 3 get launched ?? it was "New" fer that & then transfered over to L322's .............. Yeah it was late 2005 (same time they changed the Wheel fitments on the L322) Aug 2005 onwards mate .............
  3. the hooded claw

    blowing hot and freezing cold all at same time!!

    It IS yer "BLEND MOTORS" (NOT an easy fix I'm afraid!!!)
  4. the hooded claw

    Why are some people real ****ters ???

    it'd gone back to the office & been "re-Issued" MHM there-by absolving "Bath Man" of any responsibility ....had anything gone wrong with it (Roof Exploded ect ect) AFTER it had been "issued" to Paul it would be HIS responsibility !!!
  5. the hooded claw

    Why are some people real ****ters ???

    Exactly my point Juicey, & this aint the first time hes pulled this sorta stunt ....Sept, Pauls "On Call" & gets a call out to Stranraer again from (Home) Cleveleys Boiler gone off (attending engineer cannot repair & asked customer to "call in again" AFTER 6PM) So Paul sets off up there 6...
  6. the hooded claw

    Why are some people real ****ters ???

    Can't do that Juicey, Its GAS ... Legally the job has been "Issued" to the Attending Eng (My Lad) .....he HAS to go .....(Havin said that it was "Issued" to "BATH GUY" but HE didn't bother to attend) Suppose its down to Scruples in the end ....After all yer going out to "HELP" somebody. Pauls...
  7. the hooded claw

    Why are some people real ****ters ???

    Hi Dean ..Paul said he might "Call in on him" on the way ... & take a 15LBS lump hammer to his teeth!!!! I mean how the **** can you do THAT to one of yer work mates Everytime Jase is on call & get a call out to Blackpool he rings Paul & Paul goes out to sort it for him (Saves the trip from...
  8. the hooded claw

    Is he serious?

  9. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    I tried that one Fett ..All I got was "Error 404" ...Obviously someone don't like the CATS PUSSY on Show eh ???
  10. the hooded claw

    Why are some people real ****ters ???

    As you know my lad works fer Brit Gas as an Engineer (& lives in Cleveleys) at 15:30 this afto the Engineers for Siloth (top of Cumbria) was given a job (Hotel without Heat & Hot Water) ... He never bothered goin to it & said nowt til 18:45 tonite THEN he rang the office & told em he hadn't bin...
  11. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    who told YOU my waist measurement yer Bastid!!!!
  12. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    Yer a ****in load of PRE-VERTS ...(Can't remember which film thats from) ..Here you are Cat Deelys Keks !!!! See!!! taken from the "hinge" side of the door ...
  13. the hooded claw

    Need Urgent Advice and Help

    Yeah MHM thats looks "about" right mate ...Eeerrrrr Maybe a little more "round" in ALL THE WRONG PLACES!!!!! (not much mind, just a tad here & there !!!!)
  14. the hooded claw

    Are they really that bad??

    Data are you feelin poorly mate ???? you postred back & never mentioned my DIG at you ref the Fish & Chips mate ..... Too much sun over there me thinks its Poachin yer brain !!!:D:D:D:D:D
  15. the hooded claw

    Are they really that bad??

    C'mon fellas give the guy a break From his sig hes bin drivin about in a 1989 BMW 7 Series poor guy will have WEBBED FEET from drivin that !!!!
  16. the hooded claw

    Are they really that bad??

    Ignore Data ..He in France & is missin his Fish & Chips .... The answer is NO they aint THAT BAD ...trouble is (in the main) with forums such as ours you only get the "oh **** its gone wrong" posts People seeking advise ect ect when its running OK then you never hear about it ..it the very...
  17. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    classic ............pure classic!!!!
  18. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    You mean THIS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HELEN FLANAGAN I presume !!!! MMMMmmmmmm I take your point there Ma Man ...TASTIE!!!!!!!!!!
  19. the hooded claw

    Justice for all !!!.....................

    BUGGER I forgot (yer still in negotiations with Virgin & Sky to get us "Gimp channels" Corrie = Cornation Street ... ( My Wife says its a programme on the Telly) Never heard of it myself mind !!!!:p:p:p:p
  20. the hooded claw

    Is he serious?

    Why thank you young man .....................now change yer avatar & get rid of that ****in Jeep UGH!! I said THAT word ... Going to wash me gob out now !!!!