the hooded claw

Well-Known Member
As you know my lad works fer Brit Gas as an Engineer (& lives in Cleveleys) at 15:30 this afto the Engineers for Siloth (top of Cumbria) was given a job (Hotel without Heat & Hot Water) ...

He never bothered goin to it & said nowt til 18:45 tonite THEN he rang the office & told em he hadn't bin to it!!!!!!

Engineer on call ??? My lad, so he gets the call out TO SILOTH!!! rings the local Eng (who live 2 miles from the hotel) & says "can you pop out & have a look see Jase" ..& gets "Sorry I'm in the bath"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**** ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul (my Lad) now has a 250 mile round trip into Cumbria at 19:00 tonite He'll be lucky to get home before 1AM & This Baffoon lives a 5 min drive away won't go out COZ HES IN THE ****IN BATH !!!!!! JESUS H CHRIST!!!!!

I HATE ****ERS like that I've a good mind to drive up there meself & chuck a ****in hairdryer into the ****tin bath with him.

Just spoke to Paul he headin over Shap Summitt on the M6 ..BLIZZARD conditions one lane open & t'other Coont is washin his nads in a warm bath.......

Jesus Christ I'm soooooooooo ANNOYED!!!!!!
**** bag. Use a 13amp fuse for the hairdryer to make sure he has a hot bath! Selfish nob! Hope your lad debriefs all who will listen!
Cnut! Cant your lad try and get himself a room overnight (free if he does the job quick) in the hotel?
JACK BASTARD!!!:mad::mad:

Id refuse to go on pricipal.........on principal the bloke 5miles down the road is being a C.U-N_T:mad::mad:
**** bag. Use a 13amp fuse for the hairdryer to make sure he has a hot bath! Selfish nob! Hope your lad debriefs all who will listen!

FFS bypass fuse in plug and bent nail in RCD.

OI Claw I hope you will be making a written complaint to the area manager. at British Gas for endangering your sons life.
how long duz it take to do a 250 mile round trip?

how long does it take to have a bath and drive 10 miles?

answers on a postcard please...
had it done to me once,as soon as i reached home after 50 kms of driving,they called me from work to come back and reheat some food for the fooker i work at,i work as a private chef to a fooking rich stingy millionair,the fooker have 5 philipinos in his house and no can put him the food in the bloody microwave for 2 minutes.....
had to drive again to work reheat his food then drive back home,so that makes 200 kms/don't wanna tell how many liters!!!!!
**** bag. Use a 13amp fuse for the hairdryer to make sure he has a hot bath! Selfish nob! Hope your lad debriefs all who will listen!

Hi Dean ..Paul said he might "Call in on him" on the way ... & take a 15LBS lump hammer to his teeth!!!!

I mean how the **** can you do THAT to one of yer work mates Everytime Jase is on call & get a call out to Blackpool he rings Paul & Paul goes out to sort it for him (Saves the trip from Siloth)

T'other guy is "on Call" next week Paul says hes gonna get a call out put in & MAKE the ****er come down from Siloth ....& when he gets here its going to be a "mistake" & "Oh Sorry we got it workin an hour ago"!!!!!
JACK BASTARD!!!:mad::mad:

Id refuse to go on pricipal.........on principal the bloke 5miles down the road is being a C.U-N_T:mad::mad:

Can't do that Juicey, Its GAS ... Legally the job has been "Issued" to the Attending Eng (My Lad) .....he HAS to go .....(Havin said that it was "Issued" to "BATH GUY" but HE didn't bother to attend) Suppose its down to Scruples in the end ....After all yer going out to "HELP" somebody.

Pauls like me (when I was "on the Tools") Poeple come first Especially on a night like this ... minus 14 in Siloth last night imagine stayin in a hotel with no heating & hot Water ...(or ANY ****in premises fer that matter!!!)
Can't do that Juicey, Its GAS ... Legally the job has been "Issued" to the Attending Eng (My Lad) .....he HAS to go .....(Havin said that it was "Issued" to "BATH GUY" but didn't bother to attend) Suppose its down to Scruples in the end ....After all yer going out to "HELP" somebody.

Pauls like me (when I was "on the Tools") Poeple come first Especially on a night like this ... minus 14 in Siloth last night imagine stayin in a hotel with no heating & hot Water ...(or ANY ****in premises fer that matter!!!)

Take a detour after the jobs done and give the bloke a "one to one de-brief";););):mad:

Why should your son risk his life when cu_nt chops is in the bath!!!!
get yer lad t tell the hoteliers to break open a gas main and light it if people complain about being cold
It mite be a silly Q - but why did he go?

I wud have said "so - yu are in the bath - go afterwards - its yo shout!"
Take a detour after the jobs done and give the bloke a "one to one de-brief";););):mad:

Why should your son risk his life when cu_nt chops is in the bath!!!!

Exactly my point Juicey, & this aint the first time hes pulled this sorta stunt ....Sept, Pauls "On Call" & gets a call out to Stranraer again from (Home) Cleveleys Boiler gone off (attending engineer cannot repair & asked customer to "call in again" AFTER 6PM)

So Paul sets off up there 6 hours of driving (his Vivaro is "Governed" to 65 MPH) he arrives .....

& the problem was ..................................a 1 AMP FUSE had blown on the PCB board!!!!! due to the flue being blocked & the Fan pullin too much current ....

I mean FFS this is Gas eng at its BASIC LEVEL ..

A. has it got Gas .............YES

B. Has got Electricity........Eerrrr NO!!!
It mite be a silly Q - but why did he go?

I wud have said "so - yu are in the bath - go afterwards - its yo shout!"

it'd gone back to the office & been "re-Issued" MHM there-by absolving "Bath Man" of any responsibility ....had anything gone wrong with it (Roof Exploded ect ect) AFTER it had been "issued" to Paul it would be HIS responsibility !!!

Paul got home at 3;30AM (8 hours after leaving home) He fitted a new Thermo-Couple to the boiler

Part cost .......£1.53

Eng cost........£180.00

Diesel Cost.....£ 105.00

TOTAL ........£286.53

Cost to Customer ...£0.00 (she was "On Contract")

& just to put the Christmas ****in hat on the entire episode........"BATH MAN" posted pictures of himself AT A ****IN PARTY on his facebook page this morning!!!!!

Which was quite proably THE REAL reason why ..

A. He didn't go in the first Place

B. He was in the Bath ......

Oh! & yesterday he left a "Care Home" (with 87 pensioners in it) with NO heat or Hot Water.......... His Excuse fer leaving ???? HE HAD A HEADACHE!!! (3 other Eng worked til 5AM this morning to get the place up & running) .....

& this **** gets paid £36K fer working for Brit Gas ......

WOT A TOSSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

Paul got home at 3;30AM (8 hours after leaving home) He fitted a new Thermo-Couple to the boiler

Part cost .......£1.53

Eng cost........£180.00

Diesel Cost.....£ 105.00

TOTAL ........£286.53

Cost to Customer ...£0.00 (she was "On Contract")

& just to put the Christmas ****in hat on the entire episode........"BATH MAN" posted pictures of himself AT A ****IN PARTY on his facebook page this morning!!!!!

Which was quite proably THE REAL reason why ..

A. He didn't go in the first Place

B. He was in the Bath ......

Oh! & yesterday he left a "Care Home" (with 87 pensioners in it) with NO heat or Hot Water.......... His Excuse fer leaving ???? HE HAD A HEADACHE!!! (3 other Eng worked til 5AM this morning to get the place up & running) .....

& this **** gets paid £36K fer working for Brit Gas ......

WOT A TOSSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

Take him round the back and fill the ****er in.:mad:
yer askin a fellow bloke to turn down the opportunity for half an hour of onanism and self inflicted pleasure??? ffs! selfish bastids :D:D:D

OK i concur. What a cunt!