As Witch Finder General May I suggest a counter proposal .......

Following on from our chancellor's proposal & I quote

To further this aspect I would propose that ALL Vehicles within our Counrty have their doors Hinged at the rear (rather than at present) at the front..

This wouldd allow ample time for viewing said "good looking young ladies wearing short skirts & thongs or even no underwear" alighting from said vehicles "in Extreme slow motion"....

This I feel would take the "Inference" off the actual type of vehicle they are alighting from.....

All those in favour please say "AYE" ......

And NOBODY say they aint ever done that ..its the all time No1 favourite trick of the paparatzi (Run to the "Hinged" side of the car door & get a shot up the Celebs kilt!!!!) as they set one leg out of the car!!!

Cat Deely was caught with no drawers on last month in this exact position .......... (Not that I looked on T'internet for it when I was told about it !!!)

I'll buy a badge for the front honest.
Oh, did I mention that I sell skimpy clothing and undies suitable for wench's/ slaves
Yer a ****in load of PRE-VERTS ...(Can't remember which film thats from) ..Here you are Cat Deelys Keks !!!!


See!!! taken from the "hinge" side of the door ...
Yer a ****in load of PRE-VERTS ...(Can't remember which film thats from) ..Here you are Cat Deelys Keks !!!!


See!!! taken from the "hinge" side of the door ...

ohh I though she was going commando or at least dressed to the side a little :doh:
Happy New Year to all think we should declare war on somebody just for the hell of it - how about petrol companies

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