1. KeepDigging

    Is it Legal to Carbon Fibre a Landie?!

    Carbon fibre is not the same as fibreglass. Both are wonderful materials in their own rights but they have different properties. Don't get the two confused. Also, don't get generic carbon fibre confused with carbon fibre laid up for a particular purpose. It's rather specialist material...
  2. KeepDigging

    more problems

    Have you tried spinning the power steering pulley by hand, without the belt attached?
  3. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Got it back from the welder. Again. MOT next week. If the planets would please align themselves suitably? Please.
  4. KeepDigging

    300 v td5

    I would imagine that that sort of price will get you a not-very-well-cared-for early Td5 or a well-maintained TDi. Either way, it's going to be old so how it's been looked after will be the most important thing. Your biggest problem may be avoiding a cheap make-over on a knackered TDi.
  5. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Snapped the bumper end-piece bolts while trying to make life easier for the welder :doh:
  6. KeepDigging

    New to Discos, gripe sheet help needed please!

    Having spent a couple of years in a <foreign brand where they don't self-cancel> I now find self-cancelling indicators infuriating. Count yourself blessed that there's one more thing on your car that now does exactly what you tell it and doesn't change it's behaviour part way through a...
  7. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Got the discs in ready to change the brakes. Disco's back at the welder's though so it won't be this weekend.
  8. KeepDigging

    Loose wheel !!

    Under torque = loose nuts Over torque = stretched studs / loose nuts or, worse, snapped studs. Before I book tyres, I ask them what they set the torque wrench to. If they say "it's automatic", I hang up.
  9. KeepDigging

    anyone got or tried one of these

    It won't clear the whole screen though, and you need the whole screen clear before you set off.
  10. KeepDigging

    bit off a stupid question about roof rack

    Well, if they were good enough to hold the roof rack to the car, I'd have thought they'd be good enough to hold stuff to the roof rack.
  11. KeepDigging

    bit off a stupid question about roof rack

    My Jeep's roofrack was attached to the roof rails with jubilee clips when I bought it. Nothing budged, even at speed on uneven roads. Not exactly quick-release though.
  12. KeepDigging

    Why would anyone buy this?

    I wouldn't buy anything from someone who doesn't know what it is they're selling. Not even if it's free.
  13. KeepDigging

    How To Spot What's Warped

    Doh! I should have thought of that myself. Couldn't feel anything through the pedal but the front discs have a heck of a lip on them and the rears look, well, horrible. Might as well book a day off work and swap the lot (following landowner's excellent link). At least I know they're good then.
  14. KeepDigging

    University Research Project

    AmyH, not a problem. PS: Can anyone tell me what a brand is?
  15. KeepDigging

    Do you trust your snorkel!?

    Don't have one on the Disco. Had on on the SIII, tested it by covering the intake up bit by bit (used something rigid, and too big to go down the hole) at tickover until it conked out. THEN I trusted it. If it had failed, it would have been removed because if I've got one, I'm going to use it.
  16. KeepDigging

    jump lead connections or not!

    I got mine made up when I was working in haulage. The contract electrician did me a splendid set for next to nowt. Worth tapping up a local business, or stopping at a truckstop if you need to go commercial. In the meantime, a couple of bits of copper bar or pipe are what you want. Jump lead...
  17. KeepDigging

    How To Spot What's Warped

    Mucho Thanks :)
  18. KeepDigging

    How To Spot What's Warped

    It's not the wheel bearings. 4 new discs then. Chances of changing them without damaging a hub?
  19. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Refitted rear prop after 150 miles of front-wheel-drive :) Drilled hole through rear bumper and light to let the water out :mad:
  20. KeepDigging

    Locking Wheel Nuts

    I have noticed that if you leave the cover off one of the locking nuts, people leave notes on your windscreen warning you that you're missing a wheelnut, which is nice of them.