
New Member

So a couple of days ago my housemate picked up a 1995 300Tdi Disco. It's not in perfect shape, but it seems to go alright and has had all the suspect areas welded recently. I'm insured on it and it makes a nice - albeit somewhat pedestrian - change from my Volvo 850 T5 daily!

Anyway, I've made a little gripe sheet of things to get sorted soonish...mostly little jobs - any advice here would be appreciated!:

The main/dipped wiring seems to be crossed somewhere. So when the left is on dipped, the right is on main, and this swaps over when you pull the stalk. What would be the easiest way to swap it back? Splice the wires, swap them over and join them with a box connector?

  • Passenger door handle plastic snapped. Can the handle be replaced without changing the lock?
  • Nice big clunk from the drivetrain when your gearchange is less than perfect - possibly UJs but is sounds more propshafty...?
  • Indicators don't self-cancel.
  • I want spotlights! Best 'cheap' option?
  • Replacement steering wheel. I'm sorry, but the stock one is like something from a kiddie's car. Any suggestions for something with a thinner rim, and maybe a touch smaller in diameter?
  • Driver's seat collapsed. Has anyone replaced the front seats with anything a bit more comfy?
Thanks in advance!

Hi Ben,

It's usual form on LZ to introduce yourself in the relevant section before laying into the questions. They're a friendly bunch on here but a little odd about intros.

Welcome in the mean time !
Passenger door handle plastic snapped. Can the handle be replaced without changing the lock?

Yeah, can buy one for like £10 on eBay.

Nice big clunk from the drivetrain when your gearchange is less than perfect - possibly UJs but is sounds more propshafty...?

This happens to most people, happens to me going from first to second, and i'm not sure why :p

Indicators don't self-cancel.

Don't be lazy.

I want spotlights! Best 'cheap' option?

You can buy a set for about £45, wiring kits are about £8.

Replacement steering wheel. I'm sorry, but the stock one is like something from a kiddie's car. Any suggestions for something with a thinner rim, and maybe a touch smaller in diameter?

Get one of your wifes car.

Driver's seat collapsed. Has anyone replaced the front seats with anything a bit more comfy?

RRC seats fit straight in.

Also, go here.
[*]Indicators don't self-cancel.

Having spent a couple of years in a <foreign brand where they don't self-cancel> I now find self-cancelling indicators infuriating.

Count yourself blessed that there's one more thing on your car that now does exactly what you tell it and doesn't change it's behaviour part way through a junction.

Welcome to the forum from an ex 850R owner


Brilliant cars :)
4WD, transfer box, lots of UJ's, add a bit of wear and they clunk. Change the diff and transfer box oil and greas the UJ's.
Hi Ben

keep the list going, was discussing with a good friend today, his words were 'cosset and love and love to hate' I've had various soulless Japanese 4X4's but love the discoverys for all its faults.

My list is growing but I'm enjoying LR's
Youl find you light problem isnt a crossed wire its a burnt out connector were the bulb is.cut it off either fit new 1.or just put bare wire thru the hole on the bulb fine.

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