1. S

    Roof and sides fitted!

    Seals are pricey but its a simple enough job for sure, but I did have help from someone much more able than me! Remember you will need some silicon sealant for the front seal when you refit. My buddy did it for me and he did an awesome job.
  2. S

    Roof and sides fitted!

    Happy with that!
  3. S

    Centre seat belts

    instant, what seats are they? The fold down exmoor ones?
  4. S

    Centre seat belts

    I was/am in the same boat as you. You CANNOT fit a baby seat in the middle unless its a tiny one, you wont be able to move the gear stick! I am really reluctant to sell my 90 as its been/is so realiable, however I cannot comprimise my families saftey. I have now put roof and sides on my...
  5. S

    Rear bench seats

    I was being semi sarcastic! really!!?
  6. S

    For Sale - Rear Recovery Point

    Looks the same to me!
  7. S

    Rear bench seats

    Is it legal to carry people sat just on the wheel arches in a 90?
  8. S

    Noob throws spanner at landy!

    I wouldn't worry about leaking oil unless its loads! I reckon they want to dirty your hands so you stay off their daughter!!
  9. S

    thought i had seen it all

    im getting some!
  10. S

    Rear lights modification

    Like he said above! Buy youself a rivet gun too to stick it back on!
  11. S

    110 Double cab pickup - HARD BACK?

    I have an Ifor with a metal grid you can have for £40 but I am in Devon!!!
  12. S

    Rear lights modification

    You do know you can removed the covers on the INSIDE to get to all the wiring?
  13. S

    Hammerite smooth

    Great advice and ideas guys, Thanks
  14. S

    Hammerite smooth

    same as? I haven't used it before.... Sorry when I said "needs a new coat", I meant paint.
  15. S

    Hammerite smooth

    The rear tub needs a new coat. I was thinking of giving Hammerite SMOOTH a go with a brush. Thinking white. Ive never used smooth, is it any good? Does it leave a nice smooth finish?
  16. S

    how much smoke?

    "smoke" or condensation of warm air meeting cold. A bit like breathing. (If only we did a smiley so I show this was meant sarcastically!)
  17. S

    Is someone having a laugh?

    Someone will pay it and he will have the last laugh. Simple as that!
  18. S

    Rear door barrel

  19. S

    Rear door barrel

    I have tried yet again to no avail to get this stay "stay in" the hole in the handle mechanism. The stud in the bottom is sprung fine, seems to slide in no problem, just won't stay in. Even when it is in the key doesn't turn or anything anyway!!