
Active Member
Is it possible to fit a 3 point seat belt to the centre seat on a D reg 90 truck cab? Just got a lap belt at the mo but would be alot easier to put the baby seat in the middle instead of the wife.
Not safely no. You could think about fitting a safety roll bar type hoop and fittting the seat belt to that. but much easier option is to sell the 90 and get a disco or a 110.
Exmoor do a 3 point belt where the inertia reel bolts to the top of the centre bulkhead.
Dunno if that would work in a truck cab though.
Just get a baby seat that you can secure with a lap belt, doesn't leave a lot of room though, havin said that i'm not the smallest bloke in the world though,;);)
Rather leave the wife at home than sell 90.

Why it's only a car. as long as gthe replacement is as capable as the 90 what difference does it make whether you drive a 110 or a disco?? in fact if you've got family and you love them. don't you owe it to them to get a safer vehicle?? any kind of crash is gonna make a fair mess out of whoever is in the centre seat.

The other option is a £400 Exmoor trim rear seat with integral seatbelt and let the missus travel in that.

Me I'd flog the 90 and get something more suited to carrying the family.

edit forget the exmoor seat just noticed it's a truckcab. might wanna think about getting a roof and CSW sides for it.
The only way I would do it is to fit an internal roll hoop inside secured to the chassis. That would be hard to do.
Best bet is to get a van body for it then go from there. You can then either move the seat to the back (I have) And buy the brackets that are in the front that hold the seat belt and use them in the back (I have) or you could use the bulkhead but make sure you put plates behind it to spread the load.
I was/am in the same boat as you. You CANNOT fit a baby seat in the middle unless its a tiny one, you wont be able to move the gear stick!

I am really reluctant to sell my 90 as its been/is so realiable, however I cannot comprimise my families saftey. I have now put roof and sides on my truck cab and was considering a rear forward facing seat but have realised these require ADULT weight to keep them flat, again not safe enough imo for baby seat. Apprarantly exmoor trim will release a seat next year that will bolt down.

I hope someone has a better option as I really think I will struggle to find a 110 good enough to replace mine on the same budget!
I was/am in the same boat as you. You CANNOT fit a baby seat in the middle unless its a tiny one, you wont be able to move the gear stick!

I am really reluctant to sell my 90 as its been/is so realiable, however I cannot comprimise my families saftey. I have now put roof and sides on my truck cab and was considering a rear forward facing seat but have realised these require ADULT weight to keep them flat, again not safe enough imo for baby seat. Apprarantly exmoor trim will release a seat next year that will bolt down.

I hope someone has a better option as I really think I will struggle to find a 110 good enough to replace mine on the same budget!
you might be pleasantly surprised. as last time I looked 90's were fetching better prices than 110's.
I was/am in the same boat as you. You CANNOT fit a baby seat in the middle unless its a tiny one, you wont be able to move the gear stick!

You can in my 110 JUST, i was thinking of bending my gearstick to try and get another inch of room. That's with a Btitax Rennaisence, and they are a fairly big seat.
I have now put roof and sides on my truck cab and was considering a rear forward facing seat but have realised these require ADULT weight to keep them flat, again not safe enough imo for baby seat. Apprarantly exmoor trim will release a seat next year that will bolt down.
I've fitted a pair of forward facing seats in the back of my Ninety - and a bracket on the floor which the seats are secured to. By fitting the seats as far back as possible in the Ninety, the Exmoor seat belts fit neatly over the shoulders of the seats. One of my children is still in a baby seat, the other is in a booster seat. Both seats sit securely on the forward-facing seats - I simply wouldn't risk my children sitting in the back if I wasn't happy with the seats and belts.
I've fitted a pair of forward facing seats in the back of my Ninety - and a bracket on the floor which the seats are secured to. By fitting the seats as far back as possible in the Ninety, the Exmoor seat belts fit neatly over the shoulders of the seats. One of my children is still in a baby seat, the other is in a booster seat. Both seats sit securely on the forward-facing seats - I simply wouldn't risk my children sitting in the back if I wasn't happy with the seats and belts.

yep but OP has a truckcab. would seem his only option is to convert the 90 to a CSW or get a 110 csw or a disco.. :rolleyes:
yep but OP has a truckcab. would seem his only option is to convert the 90 to a CSW or get a 110 csw or a disco.. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I knew that. :p
I was replying to the blokey above who has already converted his truck cab with roof and sides.
My Series 2A is a truck cab and I'm not messing with that for the wee ones - they can go in it when they're bigger!
I've been running with the the exmor trim belt for a few years and it works really well.

Fix it through the floor behind the middle seat, I used one of the redundant holes from the lap belt, use the spreader plate under the floor to ensure it is strong enough.

The only thing you need to add is a loop on the front of the tub to stop the belt slipping sideways off the shoulder and down between the seats.

I did this with a block of hardwood with a smooth slot rounded over so as to not fray the belt.

Just sold the truck to replace it with a double cab (130 hicap aka the barge) or I would post some pics.


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