1. M


    Howd aby bordy git Banned by u redneck m*th*r f*ck*rs ? theen mad hat ?
  2. M

    Percy Pongo Logging In

    tell uz about yur boat yard Percy
  3. M

    im in finally !

    Best o'luck Bloaty Fella
  4. M

    the worst ever landrover

    Do kindly teerl uz wots gone bing bang gong wrong pablo ? dooont be shiay theer buoy!!!!!!:eek:
  5. M

    Hi :)

    What make's Rain Man inturestin tu yu then??
  6. M

    Wet passenger footwell

    Not had personal experience , allegedly can be knackered O rings in the heater a/c system. Check all the obvious things first leaking w/screen for example? TB
  7. M

    Changing Username???

    I'll ansur that licke musur fe yes noo theys darn well carnt cos varmints r slepping in co-pan-ee time hey knock frigging knock nuckle eads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. M

    Hi :)

    Razor intrestin then??????
  9. M

    Hi :)

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) rain man might be bigger than I am :eek:
  10. M

    Clever People I need Help

    Chez Dopes u jes made mi day there bouy................... Deep fuking gloom desends on bear household.........bear goes off to dump hole to sob!!
  11. M

    Hi :)

    Hey Mica I'll raise mi bid there urr wetting my appetite gurl............ hot damm Ill go to.............Twelve Corgies (Boxed) wot u thonk there Razor bouy mite we aave a deal ??????????? I'M soooooooooooooo such a smoooth Bear
  12. M

    Hi :)

    Ah lick Big Blonde Neckid Gurls Hybi do ya wriggle wi u bum on leathur luv chickun ?
  13. M

    And finally... Exhausts

    Hey Dopes, U jes borrowed a brain orr es ya reedin farm a boook thair bouy?:D
  14. M


    Hi, nupe i dont, the crusty regulars are busy playing with themselves elsewhere................................ Happy Travels from the Bear:rolleyes:
  15. M

    Hi :)

    Howd yu manage that Yella git lock jaw while yus were bent over ?
  16. M

    And finally... Exhausts

    Yuo a vee eight drover? Cos if sos yow need to be a richcowboy they're gona bring a tear from ur wallet see ifit downt.
  17. M

    Hi :)

    If Raz wants to sell I'll offer a dozen mint Corgi Car's(boxed) fur ya. But ya cant bring the reptile cos im amite jittery wi em.:eek:
  18. M


    Imao ? wots this North Merican Red Injun?:D
  19. M


    Thank u but i only like mine own. Other peoples are frightening arrrrrrrrrrrrgh:eek:
  20. M


    u high kicking, peraps prakticing sum deep stretching or if we ave tu u workin inn th gym.......that sort of piccy?