
New Member
hi all been trying to join for ages but due to the harvest had no time but it rained yesterday so hear i am !!
the vehicles
lrover defender 110 hcpu
lrover defender 110 ex miltary
lrover forward control 2b 110

lrover 110 pick up soon to be a trials vehicle.

already ive got a problem in my 110 the roof lining has colapsed and gone all baggy ! how do you sort it out ?

cheers all look forward to hearing from you !
g'day yer gonna need a noo roof lining try woolies they do all kinda vehicle trim. but make sure you get the proper clue or it will fall orf again due to the heat. if ah find the web addy i'll let yer know
ey up farmer
Where abouts in this sceptered isle are you?

Welcome to LoonyZone
i live on a farm in sussex mixed arable and livestock 500 acres. fingers crossed foot and mouth stays put . im 19 miles from the farm thats got it.

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