
Hi All,

It's been a while sine I last posted as to be honest, my rangie has been running like a dream until now :(

Went to hoover it out tonight, lifted the front passenger mat and its soaking..

Now, I had not long been to the car wash (auto) so wonder where I should be looking for any leaks.

The aircon is always on, so wanting to check all places can someone tell me where the aircon drainplugs are just so I can be sure.. Will also check the sunroof as it sounds like it lifts when the drier goes over the top.


Not had personal experience , allegedly can be knackered O rings in the heater a/c system.
Check all the obvious things first leaking w/screen for example?
The chances are the water in the footwell are caused by a blocked Aircon drain pipe - this is really common because LR use the same pipe on both sides of the car but the one for the passenger side is about 10mm too long, kinks and clogs up with SH1...

To Cure it
with the passenger door open kneel outside and reach in to where the center consol ends in the foot well - lift the consol front edge slightly and pull back the carpet to find a corrigated rubber pipe ( that runs from the gearbox tunnel up to the heater box)pull the upper end off the air con box cut 5 to 10 mm off it push a bit of very flexible wire down it to ensure its clear and put it back - Takes about 5Mins easy
Thanks, will give it a go..

I did notice that the wetness on the carpet was more towards the seat than the front, so suspected something from inside ;)
I had exact same problem on my hols. flooded front passenger footwell when raining but only when the wipers were on?
Found that little pipe had crinked under centre console. Cut carpet, slice about 2 inch long, removed pipe, cut apprx. 5mm. off pipe and pushed back on, but held it in place with a plastic cable tie just to be sure of a good seal. Bingo....dry as a bone

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