slim down if i did that i,d be a stick insect im a fitness instructor and happen to be a size 8 thanks

mind you i could always shoot you instead :p
Hey Mica I'll raise mi bid there urr wetting my appetite gurl............
hot damm Ill go to.............Twelve Corgies (Boxed) wot u thonk there Razor
bouy mite we aave a deal ???????????
I'M soooooooooooooo such a smoooth Bear
dont think so somehow house full of kids lol

however razor is off to china in 3 weeks ish with his boss 8 days of boredom :D
he,s very interesting lol

no hes going to china in 3 weeks for 8 days :rolleyes: well as long as his passport thru in time that is
Naooow Ase hopes ur not implie-ing that rAIN mAN IS hEAVILLy oVER Blessed
there young missy?????????????????????
((Bear scratches himself while liking honey off claw..............))

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