Would anyone be interested if I gave a "how to make biodiesel demonstration"?
I would only make 1lt batches in 2lt poly pop bottles(labels removed)thus limiting the nasty chemicals to inside the pop bottle.
Also I would bring additional empty containers so nothing nasty is let out to the environment.For each litre of bio to be made I will be using 200 ml of Methanol and 5g of caustic soda.This would not make best quality fuel but would show the basic method
Obviously I will be bringing my TD5 which runs on bio 100%.You will smell it -chips!
If it is considered safe enough,other members could bring a litre of their own oil,new or used or really skanky stuff and I will make fuel from it,maybe for a donation to the charity.How to test for quality of finished fuel will all be demonstrated
If it came off,I would plan to keep the nasties in the back of the TD5 ,and only the measured quantities would be out on the demo table
This is for Blue beasty to decide

Sounds interesting, depending on liability insurance
Not a decision for me to make alone but I think it's a good idea and can't see why any issues would be too difficult......we just need to keep nasties out of harms way :)
It is always a potential problem using empty lemonade/coke bottles-but with labels removed and adults clearly told ,"kids not to touch."Should be ok-if on the other hand someone tried to drink contents it would be a tragedy.
Ironically,finished bio is non toxic compared to dino diesel

Let me know if its ok and I will sort some bits n pieces
It is always a potential problem using empty lemonade/coke bottles-but with labels removed and adults clearly told ,"kids not to touch."Should be ok-if on the other hand someone tried to drink contents it would be a tragedy.
Ironically,finished bio is non toxic compared to dino diesel

Let me know if its ok and I will sort some bits n pieces

Probably clear labels of contents rather than none and out of reach of little ones would be better for demonstration purposes and storage in proper fuel type containers locked away when not in use should avoid potential accidents.
The Egg has very kindly offered.....

i can't get away on them dates this year ….

but i can supply some bacon / sausage / eggs / beans / black pudding /
for your breakfasts ….. all top quality

and some burgers for the barbie ….

to the value of £50

if anyone is passing on the the way there

Who's coming from Manc way that could grab breakfast on the way?
Probably clear labels of contents rather than none and out of reach of little ones would be better for demonstration purposes and storage in proper fuel type containers locked away when not in use should avoid potential accidents.

I see no issue as long as it is minimal amounts, labelling and locked out of reach.

Water removal through boiling oil on site would be an issue I expect, also do you have public liability biolandy if your intending any processing demo.
I see no issue as long as it is minimal amounts, labelling and locked out of reach.

Water removal through boiling oil on site would be an issue I expect, also do you have public liability biolandy if your intending any processing demo.

No,no public liability,and dewatering would be done by glycerine pretreat(using the previous batches glycerine to dewater the incoming oil-if new oil no dewatering needed).
Deffo Not boiling oil to dewater-too dangerous and ineffecient.

Batches of oil would be heated to 55c-65c in poly bottle in a pan of water-water bath-Hence 1 lt oil in 2lt poly bottle no expansion or overfull issues
No,no public liability,and dewatering would be done by glycerine pretreat(using the previous batches glycerine to dewater the incoming oil-if new oil no dewatering needed).
Deffo Not boiling oil to dewater-too dangerous and ineffecient.

Batches of oil would be heated to 55c-65c in poly bottle in a pan of water-water bath-Hence 1 lt oil in 2lt poly bottle no expansion or overfull issues

I think the way to avoid problems is to "volunteer" and then be covered under event public and employer liability insurance. I support a demonstration as long as it can be argued it is no more dangerous than a cooking activity.:D

Oh and you can't sell it if we do above.
No deffo not selling as it comes off my personal allowance,and do not want the wrath of HM customs.Anything that I make is coming home for further processing to go into the TD5.
It should be less dangerous than frying sausages as no naked flame will be present at mixing time.
If anyone has any rock hard gloss paint brushes,I can demonstrate bio as a solvent as it brings the paint brush back to life and useable again-Also if any of the guys are wearing nail varnish,it will remove that too:p
I must add I am only offering this as a gift to the forum,to help in some way repay all the help I have had off members over the years to keep my 300tdi and now my TD5 on the road.
In hindsight,I might have had an easier time if I had not chosen Land Rover as my biodiesel guinea pigs-lol
No deffo not selling as it comes off my personal allowance,and do not want the wrath of HM customs.Anything that I make is coming home for further processing to go into the TD5.
It should be less dangerous than frying sausages as no naked flame will be present at mixing time.
If anyone has any rock hard gloss paint brushes,I can demonstrate bio as a solvent as it brings the paint brush back to life and useable again-Also if any of the guys are wearing nail varnish,it will remove that too:p

I must add I am only offering this as a gift to the forum,to help in some way repay all the help I have had off members over the years to keep my 300tdi and now my TD5 on the road.
In hindsight,I might have had an easier time if I had not chosen Land Rover as my biodiesel guinea pigs-lol

We'll put you down for a volunteer demonstration :D
Okay we have
a biodiesel demonstration
Some hit and miss stationary engines.

Now does anyone have something to demonstrate either as a display or show and tell?
Okey doke also got an air motor I made at uni that can come as well then and also got some old agricultural equipment
Poppy and her partner are thinking of coming along too. She has offered to do a make up make over for the younger girls that may come, that is if you would like her to? A sort of princess off frozen? How many young uns are coming and would it be something they would like?

Of course she wants to enjoy the weekend too but says she wouldn't mind advising in make up for any of the ladies too ( I'm always asking her stuff as I don't do make up often)

If it's of interest I can add a link of her YouTube channel here so men can show the better halfs that it won't be all oil and grease

If not, fair nuff she can come and have just an oil and grease weekend with us :)
Poppy and her partner are thinking of coming along too. She has offered to do a make up make over for the younger girls that may come, that is if you would like her to? A sort of princess off frozen? How many young uns are coming and would it be something they would like?

Of course she wants to enjoy the weekend too but says she wouldn't mind advising in make up for any of the ladies too ( I'm always asking her stuff as I don't do make up often)

If it's of interest I can add a link of her YouTube channel here so men can show the better halfs that it won't be all oil and grease

If not, fair nuff she can come and have just an oil and grease weekend with us :)

A bit of glamour would do us all good :) No idea how many young'uns though

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