I think either Dave or Sarah has a thing for Neil and all this "going wrong stuff" is just a pretext ;) :D

Changed my mind, I think you are right, Dave must have a thing for Neil :eek:

Neil drove him home to Sarah tonight and all was looking good. I was following to bring Neil home. Couldn't work out which way he was going :eek: Both indicators on at once. When we got to Sarahs Neil found the front sidelight flashing as well. And his heater blower doesn't work which isn't so good in this weather.

So Dave is going to visit Neil again :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
All I keep thinking is thank God Dave doesn't belong to me- it'd cost me as much as he probably cost in the first place to get him fixed in a garage :eek: I'll stick with my old faithful Beast
All I keep thinking is thank God Dave doesn't belong to me- it'd cost me as much as he probably cost in the first place to get him fixed in a garage :eek: I'll stick with my old faithful Beast

But when he works he is ace;)...as Neil kept saying last night he drives nice dun e' :p
Next job is sorting out the bodged wiring:D I am planning on helping (well getting in the way:p) but you've gotta learn somehow.

Oh and Neil that wiper arm you popped on for me (thankyou btw) is a couple of inches shorter than the other one and my ocd is kicking in cos they don't match!!. I have some on order so you may have to explain how to swap it Please:eek:
But when he works he is ace;)...as Neil kept saying last night he drives nice dun e' :p
Next job is sorting out the bodged wiring:D I am planning on helping (well getting in the way:p) but you've gotta learn somehow.

Oh and Neil that wiper arm you popped on for me (thankyou btw) is a couple of inches shorter than the other one and my ocd is kicking in cos they don't match!!. I have some on order so you may have to explain how to swap it Please:eek:
that's cos the wiper arm is off a series motor ;)

and yes, it does drive nice, tho I could get lazy with the auto box, and I have issues about not being in control of engine breaking. found mesen dropping from D to 3, then 2, then 1 when approaching lights etc.
which kinda negates the idea of an auto box :rolleyes:

don't forget tho its a hybrid, don't let the complacency of a nice drive get in the way of maintenance.
(its gonna eat rear donuts :eek:)

guess it started ok this morning?
that's cos the wiper arm is off a series motor ;)

and yes, it does drive nice, tho I could get lazy with the auto box, and I have issues about not being in control of engine breaking. found mesen dropping from D to 3, then 2, then 1 when approaching lights etc.
which kinda negates the idea of an auto box :rolleyes:

don't forget tho its a hybrid, don't let the complacency of a nice drive get in the way of maintenance.
(its gonna eat rear donuts :eek:)

guess it started ok this morning?

I know why the wiper arm is shorter:p

I need to know what donuts to buy and how to change them:eek::D

Re maintinence I am taking on board everything you say!

And yes thankyou he started fine this morning:D:D:D
this one

Easy enough to change (six nuts and bolts) - but there is a certain way they are oriented - Neil will advise if you're swapping it at the unit. Whilst you're under there, you may want to get a grease gun to the propshafts and UJs too, just because... ;)
feck orf, yer abomination building tinkerer.
that don't even have the prop bush!

long term (depending on how quick it trashes the donut) it wants the 3 bolt dif flange swapping for a 4 bolt flange, and a propshaft with a uj fitting.
do away with the donut completely.
Easy enough to change (six nuts and bolts) - but there is a certain way they are oriented - Neil will advise if you're swapping it at the unit. Whilst you're under there, you may want to get a grease gun to the propshafts and UJs too, just because... ;)
dontcha just love it when stuff's "easy enough to change" :rolleyes:

yer forgot to say that to remove the old un' an fit the new un', that that prop needs to come off completely, which is another 4 nuts at the other end, which is really easy to round the nuts on the studs, then yer needs to compress the prop fully in order to get the front flange off the studs,

easy enough in theory but :eek:

rant over, sorry diff

feck orf, yer abomination building tinkerer.
that don't even have the prop bush!

long term (depending on how quick it trashes the donut) it wants the 3 bolt dif flange swapping for a 4 bolt flange, and a propshaft with a uj fitting.
do away with the donut completely.

Haha :pound:

Mr bodgetastic is in the house!
rant over, sorry diff

:D No worries!!
I was of course :rolleyes::rolleyes: relating the donut to the discovery application where you can just unbolt the prop at the donut end. I live and learn. :cool:
Incidentally - I have a new donut bush if it's needed.. never got fitted to mine as the local garage didn't want to undertake it, possibly damaging the prop and then having to stand the cost...so I just cleaned up the pin on the diff end, chucked some grease in the existing bush and bolted the new donut on.
But when he works he is ace;)...as Neil kept saying last night he drives nice dun e' :p
Next job is sorting out the bodged wiring:D

Have you worked out / do you have any idea what it would have cost you to have dave sorted in a garage instead of by neil.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.

Thats what I was trying to say...actually if neil hadn't been about...how much so far would dave have cost you on repairs ?
But when he works he is ace;)...as Neil kept saying last night he drives nice dun e' :p
Next job is sorting out the bodged wiring:D

Have you worked out / do you have any idea what it would have cost you to have dave sorted in a garage instead of by neil.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.

Thats what I was trying to say...actually if neil hadn't been about...how much so far would dave have cost you on repairs ?

I am paying Neil to repair the bodged wiring and will be there to watch/learn/help. I am beyond grateful for all the help Neil has given me with Dave and know that I would be considerably out of pocket if he hadn't done so much.
Obviously if I had known Neil before I joined LZ I would never have bought Dave but now I have to take what ever comes next on the chin and get on with it.
I would never feel comfortable taking advantage of Neils or anyone elses kindness for that matter. I am not that kind of person.
Wasnt suggesting you were ..sorry if it came across like that. ( although I do think being a woman has helped :D...was

saying that if like myself you rely on garages...howmuch would the work have set you back in terms of costs to daves initial purchase costs.

Like I said not everyone has a Neil and this thread is being used for instance to help people to decide if they buy a refub one already ..I was reading tonight .... its important to factor how much additional cost you could expect if you've bought a wrong un and don't have the ability to fix it yourself
It costs a bloody fortune I can tell ya 😁 I just paid £80 for my steering rods to be changed 😢
But when he works he is ace;)...as Neil kept saying last night he drives nice dun e' :p
Next job is sorting out the bodged wiring:D

Have you worked out / do you have any idea what it would have cost you to have dave sorted in a garage instead of by neil.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.

Thats what I was trying to say...actually if neil hadn't been about...how much so far would dave have cost you on repairs ?

I dont see how Sarah could possibly answer that question. What Neil did (to start with) was to spend a (very long) evening identifying the faults and fixing the really dangerous stuff. He then helped Sarah get an independent opinion from an MOT garage. He then supported her in her negotiations with the seller. The first bit you could have paid a garage to do, the rest is something a friend or family would support you with.

Sarah has also no idea how much labour went into fixing it, she does know how much the seller spent on new parts though and that was a lot :eek:

Also Sarah did not ask Neil for help. She told me about the problems, and no one would believe she expected me to fix them. It was me who asked Neil to help her, which he was happy to do when he heard the whole story.
I dont see how Sarah could possibly answer that question. What Neil did (to start with) was to spend a (very long) evening identifying the faults and fixing the really dangerous stuff. He then helped Sarah get an independent opinion from an MOT garage. He then supported her in her negotiations with the seller. The first bit you could have paid a garage to do, the rest is something a friend or family would support you with.

Sarah has also no idea how much labour went into fixing it, she does know how much the seller spent on new parts though and that was a lot :eek:

Also Sarah did not ask Neil for help. She told me about the problems, and no one would believe she expected me to fix them. It was me who asked Neil to help her, which he was happy to do when he heard the whole story.

I guess it wasn't Sarah I was asking - didn't expect she'd know , given she didn't know the problems existed -pre neil - was more the fellas on here or even neil himself

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