Jim Snigger has gone on strike due to having been accused of being a decent mechanically minded, top bloke like Neil! ;) ;)
Ooh and huge THANKYOU to suew for instigating the initial inspection which started this who thing:tea::D:D:D
ok, so the next instalment, thought i'd stick it ere.

after a good outcome from the dealer, followed by a trip out last sat, a cb was needed.
sue offered to help fit it, :)eek:) while I swapped a brake pipe for the mot on her jalopy.
so after an evening in the workshop, much discussion about drilling holes, coffee drunk, talking about irrelevant bollocks, discussing the state of ****ing in the bog, etc, it came time to go home.
i'd bolloxed a wheel cylinder on sue's motor so that was staying put for the night, sarah got in dave to find a flat battery.:eek:
jump leads put on, tried winding it over, and it sounded like both batteries were flat. second battery on the circuit (3 in total now!) and that was the same.
quick test of batteries with the meter, 5.6volt on dave, 12.3 on one of mine, 12.7 on't other.
all the lot dropping to about 7 volts trying to start it!

to cut a long diagnostics short, checked engine for tightness, then removed heater plugs. turns fine without compression. left it in bits, and ended up with another detour on me way home.

be checking for bent valves / push rods this morning.:(

back later.........
THANKYOU nrgserv and sorry for all the trouble Dave caused last night/is continuing to cause!
....what a bloody carry on - I did say sorry to Dave for drilling a hole in him... there was no need to sulk!
What a night I didn't get in till half two. Thank you Neil for the lift home, off to buy spares today, luckily mine is an easy fix (for Neil)

Feel absolutely gutted for Sarah, after everything so far she does not deserve this.

Really hope Neil finds its not as serious as it appears at the moment.

Sarah if you need anything or want to come over to help fix Dave, just ring me. I can pick you up in the Focus.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck your having with your fender..

There is nothing worse than a poorly motor, even for someone who has the tools and knowledge to fix it..

Lz has helped me fix mine a number of times... as well as the great people on here coming and helping out..

Its all about helping each other and this thread is a great illustration of the help available on here..

i doff my hat to all those that give help and advise on here, and hope that Dave is back on the road with minimal fuss...
Hope that Dave and Sue's minor problems are easily sorted!

Neil, you are a star in the ascendant!

Thanks :D

And Neil is certainly a star, he doesn't just mend stuff, he encourages you to fix it yourself to learn. I wouldn't have the confidence to start things if he wasn't around to sort it out if I do it wrong.

And me fitting the CB was a joke :eek::D:D:D:D:D:D
kinell .. Do you know Warrior, Sarah???

His is always breaking too ...

Sorry to hear it, but if Neils looking at it, I guess you're in good hands .. big respect to Neil by the way for helping so much .. :)

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