Well you should have been more specific. Your post was hardly flattering to Sarah and she does not deserve that.

Im sorry- what are you on about it not being flattering to sarah :confused: .

You posted a link to a thread on a post last night about buying a pre- refurbed or doing it yourself - what I was asking is if people don't have a Neil in their lives - how much would Dave have costed to get to this stage - compared to how much extra it cost to buy a refurbed landy in the first place
I guess it wasn't Sarah I was asking - didn't expect she'd know , given she didn't know the problems existed -pre neil - was more the fellas on here or even neil himself

I don't think it's an unreasonable question to ask. I too wondered how much work went into getting the vehicle from the photos on the first page to the point that it's at now.

I'm not so interested in terms of the financial cost but a list of parts and labour (in hours) would be very interesting and would certainly serve as a warning to anyone buying a second hand Defender to be aware that everything is not always what it seems.
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I'm not getting into an argument about this. But Sarah was obviously not happy about this sentence.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.
I'm not getting into an argument about this. But Sarah was obviously not happy about this sentence.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.

I think there may have been a misunderstanding and that part of the sentance I doubt was aimed at Sarah in the way it might sound but rather refers to other events and people......possibly, alledgedly, :eek:

PM time perhaps ladies :)
Well I am going to jump in with both feet,;) and could GAF. But from a mans perspective I see female jealousy here. 1 is getting hers fixed by a forum member. Another is not.

Could be the offer of cake and I give the best BJ's have prevented the male members that are married or with partners from offering there help, as maybe there wives,GF have seen what has been in print.:eek::D And you aren't going there. Just saying:D

Let the **** storm start..............:behindsofa:...:pound::pound:
Get over it!

This is Landyzone! :mad:

duz ya want ya ickle botties wiped anorl?

FFS! this is turning into a sex obsessed, culture club loving tea party.
I'm not getting into an argument about this. But Sarah was obviously not happy about this sentence.

Not everyone has a neil or feels comfortable using a neil to that extent.

Really -well I suggests she grows a thicker skin or she can PM me herself instead of you being indignant on her behalf - why so touchy about it anyway - do you feel bad and uncomfortable ?

I said it - I have a number of "neils" in my life who are more than willing to help me out with the beast - BUT I , Me, 110W doesn't feel comfortable using the good nature of these kind individuals to that extent and I prefer to utilise a garage . That's not news on here - it's well known . Partially helped in my attitude because of what was expressed on here previously - which was that I was getting laning trips and repairs done in return for both cake and sexual favours given. I chose therefore to keep my friendships and my repairs separate- My decision , not anyone else - certainly not implying Sarah shouldn't accept help

Was asking how much all this had cost if it'd been done at a garage , that's all now chill out and stop imagining slights where there weren't any .
I don't think it's an unreasonable question to ask. I too wondered how much work went into getting the vehicle from the photos on the first page to the point that it's at now.

I'm not so interested in terms of the financial cost but a list of parts and labour (in hours) would be very interesting and would certainly serve as a warning to anyone buying a second hand Defender to be aware that everything is not always what it seems.

issues in photos on first page are all cheap fixes in parts and time
Well I am going to jump in with both feet,;) and could GAF. But from a mans perspective I see female jealousy here. 1 is getting hers fixed by a forum member. Another is not.

Could be the offer of cake and I give the best BJ's have prevented the male members that are married or with partners from offering there help, as maybe there wives,GF have seen what has been in print.:eek::D And you aren't going there. Just saying:D

Let the **** storm start..............:behindsofa:...:pound::pound:

You do actually appear on every post you write to be a rather nasty, unkind and unpleasant man - who enjoys causing aggravation , pain and distress - congratulations - your comments succeeded - I am hurt and upset - you win :(
You do actually appear on every post you write to be a rather nasty, unkind and unpleasant man - who enjoys causing aggravation , pain and distress - congratulations - your comments succeeded - I am hurt and upset - you win :(

you only just noticed?

been saying that since he changed his name after the first ban...
You do actually appear on every post you write to be a rather nasty, unkind and unpleasant man - who enjoys causing aggravation , pain and distress - congratulations - your comments succeeded - I am hurt and upset - you win :(

And I am very sorry that you are, this forum should be fun, not make anyone feel bad.

However if you are going to dish it out, then it sometimes comes back at you.

Sarah is also hurt and upset, and she said nothing to start this.
However if you are going to dish it out, then it sometimes comes back at you.

Sarah is also hurt and upset, and she said nothing to start this.

Firstly Sue - I have no idea why you are even involved in this - I PMd sarah a while back - and explained exactly what was meant - pls let her deal with her hurt not you.

AS I previously read - YOU have interpreted what I said in the way YOU chose to - I have explained exactly what I meant by it - not in any way a slight or a dig - you chose to see that as dishing it out and therefor deserving of getting some back - fine - it was not the case but you may believe what you like
I see no problem in friends helping each other out this hobby can and does get expensive wind it in 110 look at what the forum had done for you in the past
issues in photos on first page are all cheap fixes in parts and time

Do you mean just the issues in the pictures or all of the problems listed in this thread? I suspect the former, whereas I meant the latter, otherwise this thread has been a lot of fuss about nothing... :D

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