Firstly Sue - I have no idea why you are even involved in this - I PMd sarah a while back - and explained exactly what was meant - pls let her deal with her hurt not you.

AS I previously read - YOU have interpreted what I said in the way YOU chose to - I have explained exactly what I meant by it - not in any way a slight or a dig - you chose to see that as dishing it out and therefor deserving of getting some back - fine - it was not the case but you may believe what you like

Unfortunately 110, judging by the PMs I have received, I was not the only person to put that interpretation on it.

I take on board that you believe I should mind my own business and not defend someone who I now consider a friend.

I do consider myself to be involved, I got Sarah into this in the first place.

If you have apologised to Sarah I dont see any need to continue this.
Do you mean just the issues in the pictures or all of the problems listed in this thread? I suspect the former, whereas I meant the latter, otherwise this thread has been a lot of fuss about nothing... :D

im not reading all the thread ,you did say photos
I see no problem in friends helping each other out this hobby can and does get expensive wind it in 110 look at what the forum had done for you in the past

Sorry - did I ever say there was a problem NO - read it - I simply asked how much it cost if she's had used a garage - thats not having a go.... why on earth am I being advised to wind it in :confused:

and pls feel free to tell me via PM "All this forum has done for me " - and I'll tell you the personal cost too :(
Unfortunately 110, judging by the PMs I have received, I was not the only person to put that interpretation on it.

I take on board that you believe I should mind my own business and not defend someone who I now consider a friend.

I do consider myself to be involved, I got Sarah into this in the first place.

If you have apologised to Sarah I dont see any need to continue this.

one could argue that you Sue are over sensitive and feel a little uncomfortable and guilty at having imposed on Neil's friendship to such an extent judging by your interpretation of what I actually wrote - or is that an interpretation too and has no real basis in fact :rolleyes:

bit crap being kicked for someones interpretation as opposed to what they actually wrote isnt it :rolleyes:
You do actually appear on every post you write to be a rather nasty, unkind and unpleasant man - who enjoys causing aggravation , pain and distress - congratulations - your comments succeeded - I am hurt and upset - you win :(

Nothing nasty about what I have said. I am a very kind man, and also pleasant.
And from what I have been told several PM's have supported my last post.;)

But didn't want to rock the boat so to speak, :D
Sorry - did I ever say there was a problem NO - read it - I simply asked how much it cost if she's had used a garage - thats not having a go.... why on earth am I being advised to wind it in :confused:

and pls feel free to tell me via PM "All this forum has done for me " - and I'll tell you the personal cost too :(
form what I see cost is not something we should be interested in that's between Sarah and Neil
this is a forum for like minded people and if they chose to help that's up to them and should not be questioned
you should strongly apologise to all for your insensitive remarks don't let the green eyed monster out
form what I see cost is not something we should be interested in that's between Sarah and Neil
this is a forum for like minded people and if they chose to help that's up to them and should not be questioned
you should strongly apologise to all for your insensitive remarks don't let the green eyed monster out

insensitive remarks ?- explain how they were insensitive pls
one could argue that you Sue are over sensitive and feel a little uncomfortable and guilty at having imposed on Neil's friendship to such an extent judging by your interpretation of what I actually wrote - or is that an interpretation too and has no real basis in fact :rolleyes:

bit crap being kicked for someones interpretation as opposed to what they actually wrote isnt it :rolleyes:

Now that I can live with. Blame me I am used to it :D:D:D:D

I feel very guilty and full of remorse. I will attend church on Sunday to ask for forgiveness, or possibly just buy Neil some Guinness :beer2:

OK everyone, bring it on :pound::violent:
form what I see cost is not something we should be interested in that's between Sarah and Neil
this is a forum for like minded people and if they chose to help that's up to them and should not be questioned
you should strongly apologise to all for your insensitive remarks don't let the green eyed monster out

From what I can see this is a misunderstanding that some of us know the background of and should keep our oar out :rolleyes:
bit crap being kicked for someones interpretation as opposed to what they actually wrote isnt it :rolleyes:

Fun isn't it? welcome to the club............ you do that to me all the time. But as has been said many times to Newbie''s who spit there dummy is Grow some Rhino skin and join in the mad house :pound::pound::pound:
Now that I can live with. Blame me I am used to it :D:D:D:D

I feel very guilty and full of remorse. I will attend church on Sunday to ask for forgiveness, or possibly just buy Neil some Guinness :beer2:

OK everyone, bring it on :pound::violent:

If real ales an option I'm in :)
form what I see cost is not something we should be interested in that's between Sarah and Neil
this is a forum for like minded people and if they chose to help that's up to them and should not be questioned
you should strongly apologise to all for your insensitive remarks don't let the green eyed monster out

+1 well said :cheer2::cheer2::praise::tea:
From what I can see this is a misunderstanding that some of us know the background of and should keep our oar out :rolleyes:

Drew knows exactly what was said in the PM that contained the nastiness that caused me to feel this way about some really really kind people and change how I behave.

Drew clearly feels that tonight is the night to **** stir and cause pain- in his case knowingly - again a trait to be admired ?

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