Well I am off to see the gf in Tewksbury tomorrow which is part submerged. I will help if needed but I think you have to use logic. If its a case of they are stuck and no way out yes. If they are a dumbass who has just ploughed in even though they can see cars already submerged. Probably just collect them not the car.
Rob from Rothwell off road Center was photographed by the bbc towing a Hgv out of a flood in his 90,
that was a nice volvo. I say was. Anyway i would tow em, doubt id get wet for em though.

Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

Absolutely brilliant!
Here, Here....well said :5biagree:
But don't you drive a Freelander? The only thing you're towing is a pedal car. If it is on a downhill section.


Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

You weren't tempted to break accordingly for the big puddle and let him taste your tow bar then?

I have warned him before that 3 tonnes of Landrover against his Corsa is only going to have one outcome. A few weeks ago he pulled out of the culdesac where he lives without looking my way and nearly tasted the front winch. I actually locked the brakes. The look of horror on his passengers face when he realised what might have happened and the terror on the drivers face when I wound the window down and gave him down the banks....:D I think his mum might have had to wash his underpants that night.
I would tow someone out of the floods, we have done it before infact i think most 4x4 owners around our area go out in crap weather to look for idiots to tow.

I remember once a guy in a mondeo watch our 3 landrovers drive through a flooded road upto our sills only to then think he could do it to. naturally we stopped at the other side. then reversed back to see if he wanted a tow out. The chap in his suit wouldnt get out of the car, didnt have his tow hook in the car so two of my mates jumped out and pushed his car by hand back out of the flood where the idiot then though it might be ok to turn the engine over to see if he could get it started again.

And to top if off he didnt even say thank you. Some people....
I would stop. I have run a few taxi runs to get people home and last year pulled a large flatbed recovery lorry out of a snow covered car park on a bit of a hill :)

its all part of the fun and doesnt tend to take to long to help :)
Last winter I ended up picking up my mates daughter fro mschool as they'd closed it due to snow and the buses couldn't get rhrough. I ended up with a Landrover full of kids dropping them off all over the place. I drove down one drive covered in about 50 cm of snow to a big posh house and a bloke came running out asking what the hell I was doing as it wasn't a road it was his drive.

I calmy explained that I was dropping his kid off.

He then uttered the classic: 'Oh, but your'e parked on my pond'.

I manouvered the Landie to drive out again and his next line was:

'Now your on the rockery'.

Ungrateful b*stard.

Left home at 13.30 and got back at 21.15. The kids loved it thinking it was all a great adventure.
... I drove down one drive covered in about 50 cm of snow to a big posh house and a bloke came running out asking what the hell I was doing as it wasn't a road it was his drive.

I calmy explained that I was dropping his kid off.

He then uttered the classic: 'Oh, but your'e parked on my pond'.

I manouvered the Landie to drive out again and his next line was:

'Now your on the rockery'.

Class. ;)
Couple of weeks ago i took the dogs for a walk. Stopped to watch three blokes trying to pull a boat on a trailer out of the estuary with a mondeo. First their rope snapped. Then they nearly wore the tyres out spinning all over the place. I offered to fetch my disco but they said thanks but they would be ok. I continued watching til the clutch burnt out. Then fetched the disco, dragged the boat out and fooked off home for a cuppa with a huge grin on me face :D. They offered me a tenner for me troubles but i declined and told em to put it towards a new clutch.;)
Couple of weeks ago i took the dogs for a walk. Stopped to watch three blokes trying to pull a boat on a trailer out of the estuary with a mondeo. First their rope snapped. Then they nearly wore the tyres out spinning all over the place. I offered to fetch my disco but they said thanks but they would be ok. I continued watching til the clutch burnt out. Then fetched the disco, dragged the boat out and fooked off home for a cuppa with a huge grin on me face :D. They offered me a tenner for me troubles but i declined and told em to put it towards a new clutch.;)
No mention about pulling the Mondeo, or did you leave that there? :D

It looks like you guys are getting hit pretty hard with the flooding at the moment, i havent been around the last couple of years to use mine in the snow, but i will be next year.

I think id help if i saw someone stuck. But like others have said, the moment i copped any flack id undo the shackle and leave.

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