I live at the bottom of a long steep hill, I love it when it snows so I can get out and pull people up the hill on their way home.
LOL at those pics, I wasn't thinking of anything that ambitious. And I am certainly not wading through water any higher than my Dubarrys, chest deep, are you MAD :D :D

The damsels in distress can wait for you lot :D But I bet its usually men who drive into stuff like that, us women would have far more sense.
LOL at those pics, I wasn't thinking of anything that ambitious. And I am certainly not wading through water any higher than my Dubarrys, chest deep, are you MAD :D :D

The damsels in distress can wait for you lot :D But I bet its usually men who drive into stuff like that, us women would have far more sense.

mabie a little mad but that makes life fun :D
here's one of the inside

erroro message on the dash saying steering failure, least of their problems i think :p:p
mabie a little mad but that makes life fun :D
here's one of the inside

erroro message on the dash saying steering failure, least of their problems i think :p:p

PMSL Just wondering what my car would look like if all the rubbish that is usually in it floated around like that :D :D Better take the Landy again tomorrow, its still raining and there is less rubbish in it :D
A woman and four children were rescued by firefighters when their Disco 3 became trapped in rising flood waters.
A boat was used in the operation to rescue the group in the village of Mappowder, near Sherborne, at about 08:00 BST. No-one was injured.
I always stop... if that means i end up getting very wet, crawling through mud, or whatever, so be it, i'd rather help man kind than drive on by.

I also diverted to drop a hitch hiker (trade plate guy) off at his destination today so he didn't get wet... i don't think that had ever happened to him before as he was so grateful it was untrue!
I always stop... if that means i end up getting very wet, crawling through mud, or whatever, so be it, i'd rather help man kind than drive on by.

I also diverted to drop a hitch hiker (trade plate guy) off at his destination today so he didn't get wet... i don't think that had ever happened to him before as he was so grateful it was untrue!

i totally agree bump :) do unto others as you would have done unto yourself :)
I pulled a few people out of the snow the winter before last. One of them was my neighbour who is a paramedic and was trying to get to work.

Last winter I got a call from a mate of mine who is a horsebox driver. He was delivering a horse locally, and whilst turning around in a gateway, got stuck.
I was only 1/2 a mile away so went to help.

I never thought a 90 would be able to tow a 7.5tonne horsebox out of the mud!
No problem helping, but I ain't opening my door and letting the water in, so that rules out wading,,,so I guess I would just pass them a rope from out of the back, and they can tie it on themselves, wading,,,, naw,

When it snows I'm happy to help out, I use mine at work for towing customers and collecting vehicles but im happy to stop out of hours as well if needed, we only have to worry about the snow, don't get any flooding this way, we barely get rain TBH, can't remember the last time we had a 'disaster' down this way, slightly gutting as I dont get to use the truck to its full but better for everyone I suppose...

How many of you were photographed by the Daily Mail yesterday? Look at the photos here:

UK weather: Homes evacuated in the North and 2 babies among 3 dead after roads turn to rivers | Mail Online

Some cool pics there but I have to ask, what does she really think she is going to achieve here?

and after looking through them photos it seems that rain doesn't just make freelander doors fall off but also other motorists seem to fall completley off the road as well!
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Depends, if it's there own stupid fault, I will point and laugh if it is. Few broke down round mine trying to take the shortcut through a very narrow lane that dips right down. Obvious soon as you turn you're ****ed in a normal car. But people still go down there and get stuck, idiots there was a van conked out with water up to the top of it's bumper yet people still try. And some stupid bint despite the road signs and people turning round seeing cars get stuck, still tried to get through in her boxster and had to make million point turn to get out.
Have done before, even got tipped a tenner once.

Snow is the perfect time, there is a road near me which is a slight incline up to a residential area. When the snow hits, everyone gets stuck at the bottom and has to abandon their cars and walk the half mile home. I lie in wait, as soon as someone gets stuck I jump out "I'll give you a tow up the hill, cost you a tenner". Brilliant, I earnt £80 one night.
I would help someone if they were genuine grateful, if they were a prick id just want to tow them deeper then leave them there.
Tow them out.

Then when you've broken something after getting them out you swap round and they return the favour!

I used to offer assistance to anyone I came across, but it was almost always refused. I offered to tow a woman off of a roundabout (she was blocking it) as she had run out of fuel. She outright refused.

Then I started throwing on my MRT high vis when offering assistance and more people said yes, but when one scrotum said "if you damage my car you will pay for it" I thought **** that, I was offering you a free service to get your car out of a ditch because you're too dumb to stay on the black bit. Now I won't stop unless someone tries to wave me down.

I liked how the first picture in that story was an X5 stick in a ditch. Where it says 4x4 vehicle it should say "prat's car".

This picture made me chortle though.

That is what I do in my P38. Always in fear that my door seals fail though. D:

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