I normal do stop, but after some prick tryed to sue me Not so much now. thankfully the judge threw it out of court saying atleast you got free help and i did not have to help him. now however I normaly have some disclaimers in the glove box that they ether sign or I drive on.
Have done before, even got tipped a tenner once.

Snow is the perfect time, there is a road near me which is a slight incline up to a residential area. When the snow hits, everyone gets stuck at the bottom and has to abandon their cars and walk the half mile home. I lie in wait, as soon as someone gets stuck I jump out "I'll give you a tow up the hill, cost you a tenner". Brilliant, I earnt £80 one night.

yep do that me self:clap2: and if in the ditch well that will be a 100 then
I was at a festival a few weeks ago and popped out to get some supplies. On my return I spotted a couple of vehicles stuck, as it had been ****ing down the night before. (the festival is down a really steep field) I pulled one guy out without so much as a bit of bother.

Then had to pull a fully laden transit van the whole way up the hill, even with the diff locked up, a couple of times I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it up. I didn't think any of it but after removing the rope the bloke insisted I accept £20 quid, after much protest I reluctantly accepted (it bought a nice round at the bar the following evening)

But to answer the original question yes I would tow someone out a flood!
Yep I do, is great to see their faces when I put on my hi vis and gloves and get the straight bar out. :D
A bloke in an isuzu trooper asked me for a tow, he said i've got a rope, I said no, if I'm towing i'm using my bar, I didn't want his flimsy rope snapping and causing any Injury to us or vehicles.
Bit disapointed to see some people will only help for financial gain.

I also think you make yourself liable in doing so as it turns from a friendly member of the public helping out into a paid for service.

If, after succesfully recovering someone they insist you take some beer money then so be it, I've earnt a fair bit through being insisted on taking money, but, to charge up front just seems a bit morally wrong to me.
Bit disapointed to see some people will only help for financial gain.

I also think you make yourself liable in doing so as it turns from a friendly member of the public helping out into a paid for service.

If, after succesfully recovering someone they insist you take some beer money then so be it, I've earnt a fair bit through being insisted on taking money, but, to charge up front just seems a bit morally wrong to me.

'Tis a touch cynical I grant ye. However, if I was driving along and happened to come across somebody stuck, I would assist without hesitation as I have done before.
But, when the snow is pouring I am doing people a service by waiting for them to get stuck at a particular spot, and getting them back to their nice warm home and families :)
Here, Here....well said :5biagree:
Go boil your arse, damned troll :bounce:
'Tis a touch cynical I grant ye. However, if I was driving along and happened to come across somebody stuck, I would assist without hesitation as I have done before.
But, when the snow is pouring I am doing people a service by waiting for them to get stuck at a particular spot, and getting them back to their nice warm home and families :)

Go boil your arse, damned troll :bounce:
get fecked, Quentin :D
I always try and help if I can - especially a woman by herself or with kids as I'd hope someone would do the same for my wife or daughter if she was stuck. I have stopped to help change tyres or tow someone to the nearest garage. I have been called upon to assist when the local schools closed due to snow and kids can't get home becuase the buses aren't running and a Landrover is the only thing that'll get through and I have run people to hospital who have slipped and fallen across the rocky beach where I regularly drive across at low tide.
I think it depends on the person who's stuck ... young kids in the car then I definitely would, woman alone or elderly folk then also a definite yes. Car full of teens or chavs I would leave 'em to swim out :rolleyes:
Never charged to help someone and I have turnd down more than I have taken.

Mind you I tend to help anyone that needs, it unless they act a **** then it's a mater of point laugh and drive on.
I think it depends on the person who's stuck ... young kids in the car then I definitely would, woman alone or elderly folk then also a definite yes. Car full of teens or chavs I would leave 'em to swim out :rolleyes:

Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

:D :D :D Snigger :D :D :D

Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.


don't forget the spinning hub caps and KENWOOD sticker on the rear window


Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

You weren't tempted to break accordingly for the big puddle and let him taste your tow bar then?

Funny thing on way to work this morning. Local lads (who I know as they live near me) in 'souped' up Corsa (you know the one, standard engine etc but with alloy fuel filler cap from Demon Tweeks and tinted windows) tail-gating me along the main road and weaving in and out looking for way to pass. The road ahead always floods so I knew it was coming and put hazards on to warn him but he still hung off the towbar of the 110. Cue mayhem in the rear view mirrow as the Corsa got totally swamped and suddenly he was a good 50m behind with the wipers going frantically.

Superb ... love it :lol:

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