
Well-Known Member
I went to work and the stables in the Landy today to give it a run. Good thing I did as everywhere was flooded. Great fun driving through the deeper ones, how childish :D :D

Saw a kind person in a 4 x 4 towing an idiot in a small car out of a large puddle. I say idiot because they could have driven round it :D

Was just thinking that my Landy could have done that when I realised that it would mean getting out and paddling around in deep cold mucky water.

So would you stop and help. I am thinking I might stop but they could tie the tow rope on themselves :D :D
They would have to connect it up for me. Ain't wading in. Would only do it if the vehicle was going to block route for emergency vehicles. If its flooded and a normal car it fkd anyway
I went to work and the stables in the Landy today to give it a run. Good thing I did as everywhere was flooded. Great fun driving through the deeper ones, how childish :D :D

Saw a kind person in a 4 x 4 towing an idiot in a small car out of a large puddle. I say idiot because they could have driven round it :D

Was just thinking that my Landy could have done that when I realised that it would mean getting out and paddling around in deep cold mucky water.

So would you stop and help. I am thinking I might stop but they could tie the tow rope on themselves :D :D

Once upon a time I'd stop and help anyone, anywhere, any time no matter what, these days I ask myself, if I help what chance is there of me getting sued for helping.
**** poor world these days.
Once upon a time I'd stop and help anyone, anywhere, any time no matter what, these days I ask myself, if I help what chance is there of me getting sued for helping.
**** poor world these days.

I'd say, and any court in the land would, that so long as you were being reasonable then there ain't anything anyone can sue you for if you stopped to help unless you were blatantly negligent ...

I always stop if I think I can help, one of the joys of having such a capable vehicle

Ditto .. ;)

Except when the dimwits do like the Corsa full of chavs who stupidly passed me in the snow like maniacs, horn and light blaring and blasting, only to ditch at the next 90m degree bend just a few yards ahead and for which I'd already been slowing for ... Initially I stopped, got abuse, so got back in and left 'em. Their car was still there a couple of days later ...
I stop and help, if more people helped people in need the world could be a slightly better place.
i would tow someone any day and have done many times in the snow and in the wet,
this is one from a a month or two ago

couldnt believe thye stupidity waded in and was up to my chest :eek:
flowed this mx5 through this flood

couldn't believe he made it through was up to my sills
I'm of the opinion that if i was stuck i would hope someone would help me, so if i could help i would. What goes around comes around as they say....Not sure about wading into deep water in me boots though depends on the damsel in distress;)
I'd help but would just clarify with the person being rescued that I'm not responsible for any damage that they cause attaching the tow rope.
No chance I'm wading in myself :D
Have towed loads with 4x4 and tractor. If they get arsey or give abuse ask for payment, if they say no then take the rope off, 9 times out of 10 it pays for the fuel.
I'm rural and do all that crap on a basis that seems to be getting more common. Are people getting dumber?
I'm rural and do all that crap on a basis that seems to be getting more common. Are people getting dumber?

I think Dumber for definite. There cars drive them selves with electronic wizards. I know new cars built by land rover do but they are for useful things. So when they get stuck in the snow or drive through a big puddle there computer gets confused and there hand book doesn't have that section. Most of the time they don't know that there tow eye is bolt in and is in the boot!!!

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