Been out of local lanes twice recently.
Have noticed a lot of older people on trail bikes. Good to have a quick chat and ask about some of the lanes that may be narrow for 4x4. All lanes well sign posted as normal and the odd lane has been cut back, most of these are regular bridal ways.
Both trips out with discoveries. on the second trip I was route planning so allowed a new green laner to use my motor while I sat in the passenger seat. Trying to explain my motor does not like low box or diff lock (unless it’s stuck) about 1/2 way through the day he commented he would like my landy instead of the disco.
Then explained the only real difference between the 2 motors is the body shape & lack of electronics.

Few hours sat on map app looking for some new lanes.only problem I have is as I have not seen these unsure if they are used/overgrown/drivable.
Now to convince a disco driver,paint is not that important as enjoying a good day out. ;)
Think I will need a day out on the Motobike checking the route,of course don’t go out alone,find the signs & confirm findings.
Heading from alton area towards Wiltshire.
My in-laws live in Alresford and we lived there for a bit. There are some great lanes but also some very tight ones. It’s been some years since I last did any that way.
LRO did a write-up on a route from the A34 just north of Andover heading west a few months ago.
That’s my neck of the woods, Phil. there are some nice routes between Bstoke and Alton. Used to drive them a lot. Not for a year or two tho.
Quick trip out this morning to view the route.
Not a happy trip

carried onto another lane 1/2 way down find another restriction. Nothing on the sign post to say except byway.

done some more miles to find start/finish of lanes and all are restricted.
Found 1 lane open to all.
I’m just glad I was out on the bike & could nip down some lanes(bit dodgy on road tyres) but more damage was done by tractor tracks & full of flint.


Off to look at local council maps & TRO
Routes inspected


On definitive map shows it open with no restrictions.
sign shows it’s closed to 4x4.
Now to complain to the council

Quick look through the definitive map & it shows other viewed lanes have TRO
Ventured onto part of the plain the weekend.
Started off at Stonehenge done a loop & overnighted by the stones.
Only found 2 lanes blocked. 1 was a hole in the hedge & 1 was a tight gate on the dual carriageway & too much traffic for a safe turn. Both these sections could be missed out and picked back up by using other lanes.

Sunday started off onto the plain as the flags are down.
Nice tracks all well marked and permissive byways open. Loverly drive from maddington, netheravon, figheldean to everleigh tank crossing.
Route for the 2days.. now I don’t try to copy route as flags were down & sections go through it.
But most are safe to drive,we were out on road tyres & no scratchy vegetation.
Start Stonehenge finish at Avebury stones
Phil, I know I replied to one of your posts ages ago, and then disappeared
But whenever you are out again, give me a shout, I live right in the middle of your patch and now have an L322 that I use as a tractor, so I’m not precious about it.
Phil, I know I replied to one of your posts ages ago, and then disappeared
But whenever you are out again, give me a shout, I live right in the middle of your patch and now have an L322 that I use as a tractor, so I’m not precious about it.
I never really know when I’m going out ;).
For the last trip I had make routes up on the day as blockages.

My next trip out is first bank holiday next year..:(
So meet up with another friend off the ferry
And overnight down near Poole.


The D4 decided not to continue so it was just me and the Hilux.
So as the next stop for us both were near my home and flags again down we decided a trip round again. No route planned just happily going where we wanted and were permitted.
Saw 1 group of discos looked like 1 had been for a swim,

A total of 12hrs of lanes and 2 good days with more routes confirmed

Once again more foods found


Well at least the chassis had a good wash & the mud on the inside came out. Who needs nobbly tyres & diff lock.
Does it actually have a height restriction or is it naturally restricted, we used the next lane along, to the east,last year.
Did you drive Bulford drove?
We drove it in the 2a about 10 years back and it was quite an experience then, in the dark.

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