anyways my disco looks ****e but always manages to get me home....the series always get me home if I carry a jerry can of petrol ! if i could convince er indoors then i'd be gettin a gaylander 2
anyways my disco looks ****e but always manages to get me home....the series always get me home if I carry a jerry can of petrol ! if i could convince er indoors then i'd be gettin a gaylander 2

what does that count as "getting you home" the reci trip when yer was sat listenin to drew fm all day ? :rolleyes:

I reckon 'Gaylander' is because 'it' doesn't quite know what it's not really a 4x4, and not really an off-roader - Stuck in between choices like a prospective 'Gay' may be...

Just a thought.

I should add, I like ours and still refer to it as 'The Gaylander' :)
Hummm, here we go again.

It knows exactly what it is. Its a practical car that has the comforts of yer average family mota but with better traction capability. Another definition is bloody useful.

The 'away day' I went to yesterday was a mile on the other side of a farm. It was a long muddy drive, not soft mud as there was a good base underneath but the 'normal' cars were slipping about and picking their way through the cow pats and the sink holes. Hippo charges through with the attitude of "Wots the problem". No problem and **** loads of traction, in **** loads of ****.

So with about 50 cars there in total there was one 4x4 and that was Hippo. I was asked to stay back at the end just in case the other cars got stuck. :D:D:D

Is it a 4x4?, well, its engine power is delivered to all 4 wheels, so full time all wheel drive it does have. Some say it is front wheel drive only on solid ground. To that I suggest one drives a Freelander in Mondo mode and compares its handling against the true configuration intended for it. They will discover otherwise. Stuck to the road, its bloody welded to it!!

We've had this discussion on many an occation but to reiterate. My 'Freelander' suits me fine. I need something more than a car. I don't want, or need a Disco / Rangy / Defender. I don't have time for a Series, nor do I want one. I want something with character. I ain't gay, have no gay intentions and there is definately nothing to 'come out' with. My wife will be delighted. I ain't a hairdresser, all though I have offered to cut various individuals hair, on the basis that they sign a disclaimer accepting all liability of the result. My Freelander goes off road occationally, which is normally attributed to have something to do with our caravan or to do with Geocaching. It has never failed in this role. I don't regularly go laning and never pay'n'play as it doesn't particularly interest me. If it did then I would have a Disco / Rangy / Defender. In its off roading adventures I drive it to its capabilities, avoiding the holes the tractors have made. Drive it to its capabilities and theres no problem.

So there you have it. The Freelander has its place, but not next to the other Landies, and it'll beat its slitty equivelent any day. I like Freelanders. I don't dislike other Landies but I have no use for them.
Darmain I agree with you on everything except....series land rovers are sexy !
Never said they weren't, just said I don't have time for fixing one all the time and, in general, I don't have the need of such a machine. Enjoy!! :D
Speakin' from eggspearyunce, the gaylanders are ****e off road... never got me to where ah wanted tae be. Wasn't too bad on the road but drank more diesel than me trusty auld bus.
Ah saw sense and got mesel' a proper motor;):D


Fair enough Buster, but there again, you do seem to spend a lot of time repairing your 'proper motor'.

Granted that you also spend a lot of time documenting your repairs for the benefits of us all, which I am sure we are all very grateful. I do read your work even though I don't own said machine as there are some very useful tips to be had. Thanks for that. :D:D:D
FFS is this argument gonna last forever. gaylanders is ****e cos we is tractta drivers, Tracctas is ****e cos the doors don't fall off and don't have black leffer arm rests.

Get a ****ing life FFS!!!!
FFS is this argument gonna last forever. gaylanders is ****e cos we is tractta drivers, Tracctas is ****e cos the doors don't fall off and don't have black leffer arm rests.

Get a ****ing life FFS!!!!

and the original question was answered in full in post #7!
I have to agree with you Pikey. It is about time this arguement ended.

Every model of Landrover is crap in some respects, whether its electrics, rust, cacky engines, bollox gearboxes, whatever.

But, I, for one, think this to be very important. They've got Character and they are British, no matter what fooker owns them now.

My Hippo is an L series, Rover power plant. Not German, not American and not Indian. British. (Okay, so they went to the wall but they were British originally) :D:D:D:D
Fair enough Buster, but there again, you do seem to spend a lot of time repairing your 'proper motor'.

Granted that you also spend a lot of time documenting your repairs for the benefits of us all, which I am sure we are all very grateful. I do read your work even though I don't own said machine as there are some very useful tips to be had. Thanks for that. :D:D:D

Aye ah have spent a lot of time fixin' mine Darmain, but ah think that was more down to the previous owners' lack of maintenance and it bein' nearly 19 yrs old;)

Ah do agree with what ye said about being what ye need yer motor for, that's why ah got me bus;)

Glad ye enjoy me How-to's:D:D:D
Any tractor boys seen cruising the Freelander section are just looking for a new b!tch


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Doop de dum de doo. . . . . .mite start the black leffer arm rest gang again anywun intrested . . . . .Gaylanders only mind ;)
Aye ah have spent a lot of time fixin' mine Darmain, but ah think that was more down to the previous owners' lack of maintenance and it bein' nearly 19 yrs old;)

Ah do agree with what ye said about being what ye need yer motor for, that's why ah got me bus;)

Glad ye enjoy me How-to's:D:D:D
Actually this site could do with an organised How-to's for all models. There is so many useful tips in the archive of posts but, thanks to Buster, the Defender is the only model that has an organised archive of procedures. If such a forum could be developed then individuals could put up posts for admission.

Maybe I'll shut up. :D
Actually this site could do with an organised How-to's for all models. There is so many useful tips in the archive of posts but, thanks to Buster, the Defender is the only model that has an organised archive of procedures. If such a forum could be developed then individuals could put up posts for admission.

Maybe I'll shut up. :D

Maybe no one gives a monkies about the other uns:D:D
Freelanders are not called gaylanders. Only some closet queers refer to them as gaylanders to try and draw attention from their macho tractor wagons really being true gay vehicles.

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