bigger boot and reliable

The engine is made by Renault, which isn't exactly known for making reliable engines.

In fact Nissan pick up trucks engine is so bad, that a whole load of business are fitting the Terrano engine instead, and that engine is a 40 years old design.
The engine is made by Renault, which isn't exactly known for making reliable engines.

In fact Nissan pick up trucks engine is so bad, that a whole load of business are fitting the Terrano engine instead, and that engine is a 40 years old design.
Interesting... I would never buy a renault but based only on what I've been told and how pants they are.
The engine is made by Renault, which isn't exactly known for making reliable engines.

In fact Nissan pick up trucks engine is so bad, that a whole load of business are fitting the Terrano engine instead, and that engine is a 40 years old design.
mine was a lot more reliable (and cheaper in maintenance) than my gaylander
Interesting... I would never buy a renault but based only on what I've been told and how pants they are.

They are fine for a few years, but once they get out of warranty, they fall apart. It very common for a Renault to suffer bottom end failure before it hits 100L miles.

The X Trail engine is from Renault and suffers from head gasket failure, crank bearing or rod failure, noisy cam drive assemblies and electrical gremlins.

mine was a lot more reliable (and cheaper in maintenance) than my gaylander

You were lucky as most are no more reliable than a Freelander 1 and much more costly to repair.
They are fine for a few years, but once they get out of warranty, they fall apart. It very common for a Renault to suffer bottom end failure before it hits 100L miles.

The X Trail engine is from Renault and suffers from head gasket failure, crank bearing or rod failure, noisy cam drive assemblies and electrical gremlins.

You were lucky as most are no more reliable than a Freelander 1 and much more costly to repair.
In that case a renault isn' the motor for me... I'd never have enough dosh to buy a fiesta still in its warranty let alone an xtrail.
which Nissan enjin? 3 were fitted.
Nit lucky - i bought mine at 4 years old, had mine 7 years. One crank sensor, one exhaust and 2 pairs of lower front wishbones, plus servicing. Oh - and one front wheel bearing.
Me folks had a trail from new and binned it off for a gaylander 2. The x trail was unreliable, the gaylander hasn't missed a beat. But it's is a mobile.hairdressers car. Literally.
I'll just leave this here ...

Think that just shows what a c*** the volvo drive is... who could have reversed 20 yards back to the junction.

Quite correct. Down here we have lots of single track roads with passing spaces. It's surprising just how many Volvo driver's refuse to reverse into them. Not just Volvo driver's too, as BMW driver's are just as ignorant. Of course being a polite LR driver with good reversing skills, I do my bit to keep the vehicles moving.
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Where is the Volvo? That is a Mondeo.
As there is a junction this side and a passing place just the other side of the vehicles, I would suggest that the both drivers are arrogant and a danger to the community by trying to force their way through!
Where is the Volvo? That is a Mondeo.
As there is a junction this side and a passing place just the other side of the vehicles, I would suggest that the both drivers are arrogant and a danger to the community by trying to force their way through!
Apologies.. the mondeo.
Not knowing the road I wasn' aware there is a passing place beyond the cars... just blatantly obvious there is a place to pull in on the mondeos side. In that case your right both are ignorant.
I was travelling down a single lane road and had to pass a car in a simular way but not as high up, some years ago. Too far to reverse back with no passing points and it was snowing. I made enough room for him to only just pass but it was slippy getting the wheels up. He started to pass then stopped by me bonnet. I put the window down and shouted him to continue, which he did. But as the t*t went past he shouted across "there's a tree fallen down blocking the road". He he'd of got out and said I would have reversed the 1/4 mile.

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