That only applies post 99MY. You can lock and unlock using the key and also superlock. If the alarm systems have not been deactivated you will have to enter the EKA code to start the car if the FOB is dead. If the alarm and EKA code have been deactivated then you can just lock and unlock on the key as I see it, as in your Police mode it would seem:)

In case you missed it the first time round.

From the Rover ETM 1997-99 GEMS - 6th Edition

"The vehicle can be mobilised by any of the following

Turn the ignition on (The handset must be functioning
properly and within close proximity to the

Also before this it mentions the car will go into passive immobilisation if the handset is not working.

This leads me to believe that its the right FOB or might as well chuck my keyfob in the bin and get a nice shiny key cut at the local mall and use that instead :p

Maybe you are missing my point or maybe I am missing yours. What you are saying I think is other than the remote CDL, the FOB is useless, I were to go get a cheap key made, my car would lock, unlock, start, switch off perfectly fine, isn't it ? Which btw it is doing right now and only remote CDL doesn't work.

Which I am finding a terrible time accepting, specially seeing the million of threads on all Land Rover forums people suffering from lock and immobilisation issues, Having to order expensive replacements from the dealers etc etc.
Sorted Mozz, PM sent, earlier I had just replied to the visitor msg you had left, I thought you had PM'd me and I had sent a reply !


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