Just a bit of an update here. The car's been back and forth to the dealer a few times.

The first time, they managed to sort out the remove heater function (remote just needed matching to the car) and the flapping bit of trim.

They've had it back again to sort out the seat heater (replaced the blower) and fitted a new wiper assembly, so I'll get it back tomorrow.

They see there's an issue with the heater efficiency and updated the software. It's cleared the error code but the service guy who just called thinks that it isn't really sorted and they'll need to be a full strip of the heating system, so it's been booked back in again for when parts/courtesy car is available.

I agree that it doesn't say a whole lot about the reliability of what's essentially a new car but the dealer has been good with me, I've not had any indication that they're fobbing me off with things to get rid of me. They've also not charged me for anything either.

I think I'll get a fully working car sometime in March.

Still a bloody awesome car though, and glad that none of these issues are mechanical in nature.
Just a bit of an update here. The car's been back and forth to the dealer a few times.

The first time, they managed to sort out the remove heater function (remote just needed matching to the car) and the flapping bit of trim.

They've had it back again to sort out the seat heater (replaced the blower) and fitted a new wiper assembly, so I'll get it back tomorrow.

They see there's an issue with the heater efficiency and updated the software. It's cleared the error code but the service guy who just called thinks that it isn't really sorted and they'll need to be a full strip of the heating system, so it's been booked back in again for when parts/courtesy car is available.

I agree that it doesn't say a whole lot about the reliability of what's essentially a new car but the dealer has been good with me, I've not had any indication that they're fobbing me off with things to get rid of me. They've also not charged me for anything either.

I think I'll get a fully working car sometime in March.

Still a bloody awesome car though, and glad that none of these issues are mechanical in nature.
But it will be be fecked again by April:rolleyes:
But it will be be fecked again by April:rolleyes:

It is sad isn't it? I would love to buy a new Range Rover despite the horror of handing profit to the Indian parent company - but the worst part is there's no way on earth I'll hand over £70+K over for a vehicle that I couldn't trust to be fairly fault-free. I don't mind running an old Range Rover and putting up with the idiosyncrasies - the character out-weighs the problems. But if I'm spending serious money I expect the bloody thing to work.
The irony of this is the parant company produce buses used in there 1000's here and the GCC that are a damn sight cheaper and are more reliable, go on to give years of service cover 1000's miles relatively trouble free and are cheap to maintain, rickshaw technology with a copy cummins b series engine.
I totally understand. And I'd certainly be less happy if the dealer in question (Reading Lancaster) weren't on the ball and helpful.

I had a Freelander 2 for over a year before getting the Range Rover and nothing ever went wrong with it. I'd guess that there's a huge amount of happy customers out there. It's just the nature of internet forums that people generally join in order to voice a concern or complaint.
The irony of this is the parant company produce buses used in there 1000's here and the GCC that are a damn sight cheaper and are more reliable, go on to give years of service cover 1000's miles relatively trouble free and are cheap to maintain, rickshaw technology with a copy cummins b series engine.

Simple, basic vehicles should be reliable, now make those buses Euro 5 compliant and fit them with high tech systems and see how reliable they are.
The annual inspections here are as stringent as most in Europe especially on emissions, they even fail for scratched or faded paint! My point was Tata can make reliable vehicles LR can't and they all basically **** in the same pot.
The annual inspections here are as stringent as most in Europe especially on emissions, they even fail for scratched or faded paint! My point was Tata can make reliable vehicles LR can't and they all basically **** in the same pot.
The latest Disco has moved right up the reliablity charts as have some Jaguar models.
Don't know how they can call a new model reliable ? When there not even old enough to start developing any faults ?!
Don't know how they can call a new model reliable ? When there not even old enough to start developing any faults ?!
Warranty failure records first and second year. LR products come with inbuilt faults, they don't need age:rolleyes:
This I can understand. They put all their faith in manufacture and not enough into QA.
The problem with LR is the bean counters always using the cheapest component parts regardless of quality. Build them for minimum cost sell them for maximum price and to hell with reputation.
Interestingly, I was talking with the service guy about the CD changer being stuffed into the glovebox. He told me that they moved it to that location because putting it in the boot with the sat nav hard disc led to problems with moisture...
Interestingly, I was talking with the service guy about the CD changer being stuffed into the glovebox. He told me that they moved it to that location because putting it in the boot with the sat nav hard disc led to problems with moisture...
:hysterically_laughi Great, leave the really expensive stuff to get wet:rolleyes:
or more like, dont fix the problem, just move the hardware to another location. Dont you just love LR's mentality at times.
hi guys , new member here and have been reading this thread as seems most appropriate to my own experience. I have a 2012 404 TDV8 Westminster, have run 3 discos previously, 2 mark 2's and one mark3, love them, expensive to maintain but no more than my Jaguar before was, Decided i would have a top of the range model so went for the Westminster and was never going to ba able to afford the latest one as was 90k plus. ( yes in your dreams) anyway only problem so far was a air con unit that had stopped working and was blowing hot air out only. took her to the dealer ( 1 month out of extended warranty) Sods law! found it was a component on the air con unit that sensors the temperature of the air or something like that. Gave me a quote to say they were replacing the air con unit but infact only replaced the bolt on heat module or whatever it was called but charged the £600 anyway. Still arguing over the sharp practise of that one. Anyway got to use here with air con which was great. however ended up with a further problem of car battery been flat when car not used for a week or so! no other car i have had has not been able to start if it has stood while im on holiday for 2 weeks. Anyway got RAC out said battery was low/knacked figured she was 5 years old , lots of electrical kit on here, not ideal but yes okay £90 later , left the car again battery has been flat twice or more nad had to jump her and or charge the battery first. Cold weather 3 weeks a go went out to use her and no fan working on fron , lights all light up, defrost etc but nothing from fan? so put heated seats on and steering wheel heater so i didnt freeze to death and seats feel luke warm as apposed to hot? strange i thought is is just as the car is not warm it just feels like there not hot. Anyway Beast from the East arrives and got to use her , heater or not. Used the front and rear screen heaters to clear the windows and cracked open the windows to keep them clear. Seat and steering wheel at least leting me think i was warm. Car has gone off to another dealer who have just rang to tell me they have changed the resistors but evidently are getting readings which are indicating that the blower motor is pulling more ohms than it should. Blower is working but only on full. have quoted me thick end of £2k plus as blower motor needs to be replaced and dash needs to come out to do it. 11 hours of labour at £110 pluse parts plus time spent on it to get to this stage . Any suggestions or help would be appreciated before i take out a 2nd mortgage

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