air con is another one to check and as mentioned the service history, when i checked mine it looked like an 8 year old had filled it in and then had to go back and change the dates due to a mistake, and i only noticed that afterwards, i had traveled from Kent to north Yorkshire and just wanted to get back home and was fed a fairly large amount of BS
So looked at said range rover this morning, met in a car park:eek:, so didn't see it start up, the car was not as good as described, seats worn, dash had dead pixels, the suspension didn't seem to do anything with the car on tickover and in park(not sure it should have odine something or not) rear wheel arches had some rust when you open the rear doors.
The rear bootlid didn't seem to have much resistance, and with the slightest touch would slam down, paintwork had "peeled off" in one area, some of the lens were cracked, steering column didn't move either up or down, but you could here the motor working, where the sat navigation is in the back on the left, there looked like something was missing, maybe the TV module as there was a multi pin plug and a coaxial. The spare wheel was flat, did have the nylon straps thought as mentioned. The guy that brought it to us didn't have the service history or log book with him, :confused: And just generally dirty, so took it for a test drive so that we can at least get a benchmark, made our excuses and beat a hasty retreat. So going to have another search and see what comes up:)
Well done for walking away.

Suspension will only move with all doors shut and foot off the brake....I usually open the drivers door - make sure the window is rolled down, Range Rovers can be known to lock the doors when you shut them! - select the desired ride height, then close the door and watch from the outside to ensure it rises back first then front, then levels.

Rear tailgate are weak if the struts are old - cheap enough to replace though.

Dead pixels are common - as they are in the BMW models too

Peeled paintwork shows either a hot spot - like the sun shining on it or a over hot engine if it was on the bonnet drying out the lacquer and that it hasn't been given a protective wax coat every once in a while!

Missing unit is indeed probably the TV module which would be useless now as it was analogue!

Steering column motor failure of the tilt is common - there is a nut that runs along a threaded shaft, and the bracket this was attached to is plastic and prone to snapping. there are fixes that can be done beofe it breaks - but if broken could mean stripping out the column and fitting a new motor assemble or replacement column as a whole.

Wheel arch rust is also common on the L322 and in extreme cases spreads to the seatbelt anchor point. the issue is the double seal around the door and also the door aperture traps moisture between them and this causes rust!

Worn seats are, alas, also common...the leather is a very soft thin leather - unlike the P38 - and are prone to wear on the outside edges - as is the plastic trim underneath wher ethe seat controls are - as you get in and out - you rub up and down on this plastic trim which will eventually give out and fall apart!

Plenty out there to see my friend - see some more and choose wisely - don't get carried away as there will always be L322 for sale!
Should have known to have shut the door whilst trying to get the suspension to work.
My missus and I were in two minds if the car actually existed,due to no communication from the seller etc, but we was that way already so though what the hell.
Shame really cause with a bit of time and effort and expense it could have been a nice car,
Oh well plenty more out there
Should have known to have shut the door whilst trying to get the suspension to work.
My missus and I were in two minds if the car actually existed,due to no communication from the seller etc, but we was that way already so though what the hell.
Shame really cause with a bit of time and effort and expense it could have been a nice car,
Oh well plenty more out there
Dont underestimate the amount of expense with these vehicles......
That's why I ask on here or any other forum, there is always someone who's been there and don't it, and I hopefully learn by there advice /mistakes
Sounds like you did the right thing walking away, I dose not sound like a cared for motor and that's only the bits you picked up on more than lightly there are other hidden faults that would rear there ugly heads and bite you hard, good luck with the search and as you said you have something to compare now.
As Ant said well done for walking away. However, as the voice of doom, I will add to his comment about expense. This marque/model is now at an age/price where anyone can buy one, however they are still expensive to keep. In fact the cost of upkeep rises exponentially with age. The parts do not get cheaper as the model ages and neither does the labour cost( be that money for someone else to do it, or time, stress and injury doing it yourself)
Even if you get a lovely well kept example, they are of an age where things will fail quite frequently. Some will be big things, some will be normal wear and tear, all will cost silly money in comparison to any other LR model, or most other cars of the same age! Point in case, after laying out over £700 in December for a few odds and sods , plus service, I am just about to pay out £800ish for more odds and sods ( will update on that on my fuel thread, possibly tomorrow)
So decide before going in if this is something that will cause you a problem. No matter what you pay for your older L322 ensure you have a healthy bank account for upkeep.
However, I would now not be without mine, I will eventually, maybe, possibly trade/sell her and get a newer one. Once I have got over the trauma of owning this one :D;)
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As Ant said well done for walking away. However, as the voice of doom, I will add to his comment about expense. This marque/model is now at an age/price where anyone can buy one, however they are still expensive to keep. In fact the cost of upkeep rises exponentially with age. The parts do not get cheaper as the model ages and neither does the labour cost( be that money for someone else to do it, or time, stress and injury doing it yourself)
Even if you get a lovely well kept example, they are of an age where things will fail quite frequently. Some will be big things, some will be normal wear and tear, all will cost silly money in comparison to any other LR model, or most other cars of the same age! Point in case, after laying out over £700 in December for a few odds and sods , plus service, I am just about to pay out £800ish for more odds and sods ( will update on that on my fuel thread, possibly tomorrow)
So decide before going in if this is something that will cause you a problem. No matter what you pay for your older L322 ensure you have a healthy bank account for upkeep.
However, I would now not be without mine, I will eventually, maybe, possibly trade/sell her and get a newer one. Once I have got over the trauma of owning this one :D;)
I appreciate your post, thankyou. And I think I understand what you are saying, whilst probably not as expensive, when we Brough the D2 everyone worked fine, within a week it was falling to bits, I have done what I feel is loads on it, from the small electrical boxes to the abs mod, and the air bags and height sensors

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