ok new update, still havent taken off the props because as most know im scared of the rain haha but i did have to take her out to get some things from asda so figured while in there nice big almost empty car park why not try the low range to see what that is like. it seems a lot more subtle than when in high range but im wondering if thats also due to how low the gearing is not giving it enough go to knock so to speak. anyone got thoughts on this one. i suppose i could try high (ish) rev fast (ish) gear changes in low range to see if that will clunk lol but i dont like to bully my disco unless i have too for a reason :p
What method did you use for checking the uj's and bushes? Did you jack one wheel off the ground?
bushes not checked yet UJ's i checked by removing the props and checking them. only thing i didnt think to do at the time has been said about in this thread drive it with 1 prop off and diff lock but its been to wet for me to be willing to lay down under the car since it was said so its all on hold. after i've had them off 1 by 1 and driven in diff lock my next step is jack each wheel and get a big a$$ bar under it and see what i can or cant move
hey guys needs some help/tips asap got the back of the rear prop off without a problem but the handbrake side has decided it dont want to play last time i removed it with a 14mm spanner this time its trying to round off. also its removing the studs not the nuts!

are they actually 14mm or are they some silly size and will it matter if i remove the studs instead of the nuts!
:eek: They SHOULD be BOLTS !:rolleyes: Sorry late reply working on caravan :eek::eek::p
looks like studs and nuts i could swear i took nuts off last time. if its bolts then its time to find the 9/16 and get back at it :)

only 35 and i cant remember a day ago let alone when i took it off last time pmsl
lol i can get to them that wont be an issue the issue is the ones that are moving at the moment are not undoing the nut there turning out the stud
Removing-old-shaft-land-rover.jpg maxresdefault.jpg the 4 STUDS there and the NUT missing on the other image are the ones im talking about lol


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