I sat in it, realised she didnt need anything doing for the first time ever, and then...... I shed a wee tear of joy at the sheer awesomeness of her. It wont last im sure. :)
Oil change and UJs on front prop.
Just took it for a test drive and nearly got shook out of the window.
1 of the UJs has got a wee bit of play in it!
Oh well off it comes again.
Just changed the turbo on it and all seems better no loud woooing noise anymore on to the next job of a thousand or two
Loaded it for tomorrow .. Green laning in Derbyshire .. last drive before docs on Tuesday, Juliet's coming along in case me knee locks .. it dislocated three times last night alone!!

Could you not use a brace while you're driving my lovely :)

I dunno, am I ever likely to drive your lovely?


Probably, but I'm waiting to see what the doc says next week. Can't be bothered messing too much with it for now, I do wear a tubigrip thing sometimes if it's feeling fragile!
I dunno, am I ever likely to drive your lovely?


Probably, but I'm waiting to see what the doc says next week. Can't be bothered messing too much with it for now, I do wear a tubigrip thing sometimes if it's feeling fragile!

Ok I asked for that lol :D
Just might help putting summit stronger that tubigrip while you're laning :)
Are the clutches as heavy as the defender ones on a disco?

I've not, so far, hurt the knee driving, other than feeling a bit more than usual pain, and I doubt a brace is the right thing for now. When it dislocates it's hard to see what's wrong until it goes back .. it's hard to describe. The best way to relocate it is to simply stand on my right leg and straighten my left out as fully as I can and lift my toes up to stretch the whole leg. I've tried pushing the sticking out bit back in, but it doesn't work, it feels like a notch, so needs pulling apart and sliding rather than just sliding to put back!

And yes, Disco clutches are near as dammit identical ..

I've not, so far, hurt the knee driving, other than feeling a bit more than usual pain, and I doubt a brace is the right thing for now. When it dislocates it's hard to see what's wrong until it goes back .. it's hard to describe. The best way to relocate it is to simply stand on my right leg and straighten my left out as fully as I can and lift my toes up to stretch the whole leg. I've tried pushing the sticking out bit back in, but it doesn't work, it feels like a notch, so needs pulling apart and sliding rather than just sliding to put back!

And yes, Disco clutches are near as dammit identical ..

Only driven an auto v8, bummer, poor you, I hope they manage to sort it out for you, knees are a bugger :( hugs :)
Thanks. :cool:

We've been thinking that if my knee doesn't want to play and they can't fix it properly, basically the cruciate ligament isn't attached and half the knee cap is no more, then an auto will be needed .. and given the choice I'd love a V8, but for what I do a Tdi will probably be best!!
Loaded it for tomorrow .. Green laning in Derbyshire .. last drive before docs on Tuesday, Juliet's coming along in case me knee locks .. it dislocated three times last night alone!!

hope your all sorted mate for when you do the pass your going to injoy it wot a lane

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