Yesterday, stuck a bit of foam rubber behind a bit of dash trim that has an annoying vibration at certain revs/gears/loads. Didn't work. Might try more foam, or drill a hole and go for a magic self tapper repair.

Today, blocked off half the radiator with a bit of card and went for a drive - I have normal temperature at last. Also went to the local Landy specialist - it goes in for MOT and service in a week's time.
Just a trip to the tip.
It's been a sad day - She said I had to get rid of my rusty old and much loved gas bbq that was just resting in the garden. So it was loaded it up into the Disco and off we went - she even came along to make sure.
Anyway, it not all sad - I did manage to get the regulator off!
Just a trip to the tip.
It's been a sad day - She said I had to get rid of my rusty old and much loved gas bbq that was just resting in the garden. So it was loaded it up into the Disco and off we went - she even came along to make sure.
Anyway, it not all sad - I did manage to get the regulator off!

Ah know the feelin'! Mines is in the back o' the bus ready to go as we speak....


Never mind tho', Me nice shiny new one has a green oval on it...


put me awning on


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Replaced the bit of cardboard in front of the radiator with a bit of stiff plastic board - smelled like PVC when I cut it up. I painted it matt black, and shaped it so that it can be slid to the left a bit to cover more of the radiator (a bit sticks out to the right, covering the dead area between the rad and intercooler).

Fixed the headlamp flasher - found that a previous owner had disconnected the required wire from the steering column switch, and carefully moved it out of the way to prevent it shorting on anything.
Ignition crashed.... spent the day removing the barrel and trying to find a replacement a new keyed barrel to the VIN priced at $1300!!!!

Inspiration gained!!! Stripped barrel and re-tuned 2 springs which weren't performing.....

Re fitted and hopefully bought some time to track down a cheaper alternative and get it sent over here...
Parked mine in the work's car park, complete with most of Wales' mud still on it.

It looks wonderful!!

Shame the rain is now washing all the mud off :(
finished off me mates inspection pit (waterproof rendered the inside) yesterday, incase i need to use it some time soon on 1 or other (or both) of me landie's :rolleyes:


while i was there me mate showed me the mitsa****ty high lift jack he got when he changed the disc pads on his d2 v8


finally got around to getting the old 90 into the workshop to tackle the N/S/F wheel barring problem cant think why :rolleyes:


do ya think it might need replacing ? :rolleyes:


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