Parked it in the steading out the rain. After a new chassis, a new floor and a new carpet I cant bare to see it get wet.
Chuckled to myself as i drove past folk that were stuck or attempting to traverse deep water!

Thats karma.....laugh at me fur selling ma 530 will yu

Now whos laughing !:D
Cut some new front and mid-section floor mats from a sheet of 10mm rubber safety matting. Insulating, sound deadening, nice and smart and a bargain!
Just been out shopping, had to cross a field, dirt track, disused railway line to get to the shop. They are working on the water system and have the road up.
Stuck an old alternator on, took it off, changed the pulley, stuck it on, took it off and tried switching the pulley around to make it line up, stuck it on, took it off to get the belt past the custom bracket, stuck it back on and finished :)

I don't think the alt has worked properly since I got this 110. It starts and runs so much better now :D

Also, fixed the rear tail lights.. the wipac rear i have seems to have the wires the wrong way around, or the bulb it funny.. anyway.. sorted for this weekends wintery blast :D
Addicted to chequer plate, Is there a cure?

Driven to Reading and back. No1 son had an interview at the University. Think ill take the train next time after today's journey :eek:
just got back home from builth wells at the winter fair after towing caravan for 3.5 hours and got pulled by the old bill 20meters from front door of my house typical!!!!!!
Getting ready for the cold weather. adjusted the door locks to try and close some of the gaps around the doors. You have to bang the doors shut but at least you can't see daylight between the doors and the seal. Snow expected at 900 meters around here this week.
Drove it to work and back for the first time in months since I done a tdi conversion and got it registered properly over here, it's nice to be back in it
Put new lights on trailer, nice and bright and good earths etc so indicators etc work proper, just got to make up some light gaurds now cause some one is bound to break em:rolleyes:


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Replaced the radiator on a customers TD5 defender and the replaced the suspention position sensor on the rear of a TD5 disco in the same day each owned by brothers not a day for td5's lol

Evening all !

Today i insured the new Land Rover ready to collect it tomorrow !

Is anyone Bristol / southwest :D
Got up at 6:45am to change the alternator on the 110. Killed the existing one on the plains Sunday. Only putting out 11.5V :( Put the 100amp Alt off the disco on Then bumpstarted it to get it fired up. seems to be running ok now and putting out 14.6V Just ordered 2 digital volt meters.. So I can keep an eye on battery voltages. As I've got a 2nd battery to install.

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