We live with my mum and dad , so if they want us out of our room to accommodate my sister and family we have to vacate . We aren't givIng each other presents this year we are saving for first months rent and deposit for a place of our own . Never but never move back in with your parents when you are in your 40's it doesn't work!:(

well i hope you get your own place DG,it will be worth it in the long run.good luck.;)
looked for handbrake switch.... decided i dont actually have one
fitted new oil pressure switch
fixed blowing exhaust
now wrong with that providing you are posting from inside it now i am taking it as gospel that you opened the door last week got in and havent got out yet :rolleyes:

err nope,got it delivered,now it is sat on my driveway,thats it.i am sat in my living room just looking at it tbh.:eek::D

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