
Finally built. Will felt tomorrow.
Good effort. Just watch you don't load the boot and them slam the door shut. :eek:

Cheers! That would be fun. It's only 6" deep so doesn't take too much room. Will have to draw a line on the boot carpet so i know where it is. I've built it so it doesn't interfere with the dickie seats. And it doesn't!
Bugger all... Beautiful day! Need to change handbrake cable, fit new handbrake shoes, electric fan, switch panel on fash etc etc... And I can't do any of it with swmbo's plans :-\
Pottered about with it this morning. Cleaned the manifold sensor, topped up the oil and windscreen washer bottle, had a fiddle with the drop arm ball joint. I only replaced it in the summer yet it seemed to have got some movement already. On releasing the circlip and cap it appeared that the Britpart spring had squashed flat. It's not made of anything springy, it's just a twist of wire. I retrived the old spring from the shed which was the correct length and jacked that in. Nice and tight now. Then I washed the car, as we middle aged people are supposed to do on Sunday.
Fitted my new discs and callipers to me old 90. Bled the system but it's drawing air somewhere, so back to it again with the power bleeder.

Gave it a good cleaning inside, changed the fuel gauge backlight bulb and checked all levels under the bonnet
Had to weld a new section of floor in for mot today :mad:
well thats it all done now:D apart from off side rear anti roll bar locating pin insecure and i cant find anything wrong.....:(
thats the mot discription.
you need a man cave great to escape to in the summer over xmas great for the inlaws to stay in :D

We live with my mum and dad , so if they want us out of our room to accommodate my sister and family we have to vacate . We aren't givIng each other presents this year we are saving for first months rent and deposit for a place of our own . Never but never move back in with your parents when you are in your 40's it doesn't work!:(
still trying to find out what the clonk is i get when going round a left hand bend,have had the watts linkage bushes replaced and trailing arm bushes done,starting to get a touch tedious!! any body got any ideas?

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