went shopping at my local tescos, and found a good deal on pure sunflour oil.
£6 for 5 litres,
£10 for 10 litres.

got strange looks from jelly moulded cars drivers as I emptied all my pure new sunflour oil into my discos big filler neck in the front of tescos car park..
head one so sweet women saying to her hubby,
is he freekin mad?

YES thought I,
10 litres derv at tescos is £14.30 odd,
its says how much earlier.
disco ran SO much quieter on return from my shopping trip for "essentials"
going for more "essentials" agin tomorrow before they run out :)
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Re-fitted the engine cover and the cubby box.
Wired some 12v outlet in the back (fridge and lights)
Wired a 220v setup for fridge, lights, when on camp sites.
Bolted down the internal shelf (shelf covering the most of the loading area just below the roof) to get rid of rattle.
Sprayed the inside of my defenders chassis with dinitrol (the extended spraying kit I got with the cans from frosts made this really easy)

Scraped, prepped and painted (POR-15 and topcoat) one quarter of the chassis - time consuming but satisfying work. It's looking really good this morning.

Need to make time to do the other three quarters now...
changed a UJ last night, put the prop back on, drove it to work this morning, decided I should have changed both cos it still vibrated like a tw*t above 25mph, so took it back off again.
Now have to drive round in 2wd for a few days with the front drivetrain slapping and banging, discovered it has HUGE amounts of slack in the front :(
Took it to a garage :eek: Gonna cost me £400 plus parts to get it ready for chippy run. :Cry:
Saw mine for the first time in 2 days, looking forward to getting a nice loud drive down the motor way tomz. Cant be doing with that nice, quite, smooth, efficient, fast car stuff for to long ;) ;) :D

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