Bought some goggles and finished wire brushing the chassis(it wasn't too bad)then used up the rest of my hammerite paint on the bits i wire brushed.Sprayed some graphite powder into all the locks.Found a pair of molegrips and £2.30 in the fuse box under the drivers seat.
Took it for the MOT again... and it... PASSED! :D

Glad to have another year motoring, plenty of advisories to be getting on with though;)
Sat and admired by new baby all day...


Also cleaned up the last of the loose brackets and painted them.
Nice chassis :)

I picked up some metal today after uni and thats it

Tomorrow comes the welding of the 109's bulkhead :( not looking forward to delicate welding work
had the grinding of doom noise, luckily I was only 1/4 mile from home and 1/4 from halfords.

fitted new brake pads to mine, well happy only took 30 mins start to finish.
Took delivery of new manifold, and relevant parts today, some orig, some ahem! Others.. The others arrived in a totally Mis proportioned box.. Also have s/s exhaust to fit when it has stopped raining! Can't seem to find down pipe gasket! Is there one for a series 2a?


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Fitted new clutch master cylinder, bled and working fine, tried bleeding brakes only one bleed nipple will open so need to work on those. Still trying to find rear hatch stay, hatch door handle and transmission tunnel bung. Tomorrow wheels and drake drums off adjust brakes too much rear bias try bleeding brakes again, top up diffs....
and even more welding...

and fitted new drag link end to break the monotany...

another couple of hours should be done..

finished welding!!! woo hoo...

also painted all boot floor and refitted the trim in the boot and the seat belts and the carpet...

left out the thick spongy stuff that was under the carpet as i left it in garden and it got wet through as it p'd it down!!
Put the battery on charge, too fecking wet and windy to bother

Need to borrow a garage off someone ASAP so I'm gonna ask my other mate who lives next door the where its parked up if I can nab it for a couple of hours to do the bulkhead welding

Today I will be welding if the wind dies down a bit and if I can get a bloody dry spell for a couple of hours, only need it to be long enough to cut and weld in 6 large pieces for the bulkhead

Footwells and inner bulkhead can be done when it's back together so I can shelter under the cab roof
Found out my clunking from under car. thought it was transmission. Then Uj. Oh was it breaks. No back wheel was very loose. :eek: fekin kids. Never mind. No money had to exchange hands. so happy I found prob.
Not really done today but in the last few weeks with the help of rock-sliders and kev we have.

changed pick up to van side 90, full respray in dark grey
fitted disco seats,
rewired rear lighting, reconnected front and sorted other electrical gremlins in dash,
engine work including new piston rings, big end shells, head gasket, timing belt, alternator, top and bottom gaskets replaced and other work.

Sent off for MOT today and..............................

failed on play in front left wheel and passenger door lock not staying up :mad: :mad:.

serves me right for using an MOT station that admitted after he hasnt looked at a landy for nearly 30 years.
Didn't plan on doing anything but drive it, but now I guess I'm going to investigate cleaning up my ignition barrel as my key won't turn. Searched the forum and the interwebz for tips, am finishing my breakfast and hopefully I won't have to phone the locksmith.

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