New Member
well ive fixed the back axle
new hub and seals bearings and new pads as they needed to be done ohhh yeah fitted some black chequer plate to the bonnet and doors and looking good ...
you can do it nick think of next weekend loltook it for mot........ FAIL....
two days of welding rear mounts and cross member, rear wheel arch, hole in chassis... and still a fail... mechanically fine, just one drag link to replace..
but 10 points for welding....
all mounts on both sills... thats six items but just inner sills to replace..
couple bits on boot floor where wheel arches meet floor..
and bottom of c post on o/s cos the wheel arch aint got nothin to attach to...
so its not as big a job as it looked when i picked up the fail sheet...
oh well another 2 days of welding and should be done...
Fitted a new drag link ball joint and both track rod ends, again with the use of Buster's guidesMight need to do the drop arm ball joint as well, but that can wait
Changed diff oils in the disco and stuck the off-road wheels on. Then changed the the trackrod on the rage rover, wouldve been nice if I didnt spend 2 hours with a pipe wrench trying to get ball joint off the old very corroded bar.. Sigh
Just gotta get its MOT again next ready for university!