Coated the leaf springs with some 20w50 I had hanging around


It was strangely therapeutic and enjoyable considering I was lying on stones under a car.
I've just had depressing experience. I was checking transmission oil levels and succeeded in screwing the gearbox filler plug right through the gearbox housing and dropping it down inside. I didn't think that was possible, especially as it was only finger tight. It can't be retrieved through the filler hole and is not accessible through the drain hole so it looks like I've got to take everything apart to get at it. Hours and hours of work. It's making me feel tired just thinking about it.

I don't want to go anywhere until I've found it because even if the gearbox isn't jammed at the moment it will bounce around in there and jam something sooner or later. The car will screech to a halt in the middle of the motorway without the brake lights going on.
@Brown what Gbox ?
Can you go through the top & down with magnet?

It's an R380 in a TD5. I've just been taking the transmission tunnel out and the floor pans.
The R380 is made in two pieces and the gearchange mechanism appears to go into the rear of the two and the filler plug into the front. I may have to split the two to get it out. Unless you know differently?

I've had the whole lot out a couple of Christmases ago to do the clutch, and a couple of years before that I took the transfer box apart to fit new bearings and a limited slip centre diff, but I've not been inside the R380 before, so this is a new adventure.

Thanks for your interest - any further insight would be much appreciated.
Gutted for you @Brown .

you are right in your thinking of 2 halves (sorry:()
I wouldn’t have thought that possible either, but I will remember it now for sure.
It could well be worth an inspection camera look in the filler/drain hole, filler hole smaller than drain? Might be worth a few hours fiddling. Before removing.

Gutted for you @Brown .

you are right in your thinking of 2 halves (sorry:()
I wouldn’t have thought that possible either, but I will remember it now for sure.
It could well be worth an inspection camera look in the filler/drain hole, filler hole smaller than drain? Might be worth a few hours fiddling. Before removing.

I didn't think it would drop down inside. I was tightening it up just with my fingers on the torx key, expecting to feel resistance at any moment and then 'clink' it dropped down inside. Yes, on most R380 gearboxes, the drain hole has a bigger thread and a large external hex, but mine's one of the rare ones that has exactly the same thread in both holes. I've felt around inside with bits of wire and one of those magnets on an extending device like a radio aerial. I had it on the magnet momentarily - I could even see it through the hole - but it dropped off and rolled somewhere behind the cogs where I can't reach it any more. As far as I can feel, there's a solid barrier between the two compartments, backed up by looking at the manual. I think the story goes that it was originally a 4 speed design and then they made it into a 5 speed by creating a new bit that bolts on the back (the 'extension case') that has another couple of gears in it to give a 5th speed.

I'm wondering whether to split the R380 in situ. i.e. leaving the front bit and the bellhousing attached to the engine (no messing about with the clutch), or take the whole lot off. You can get the extension case off, and then there's a plate that supports some bearings, and then you're into the main gearcase.

I've come in to have my tea now, as it has started to rain. If it's only a quick shower I might go out and do some more later.
but mine's one of the rare ones that has exactly the same thread in both holes.

I am still confused why it screwed all the way through, should it be a hex head bolt type?
As for splitting it in situation I don’t know.
From what I see (manual) removing and opening up bearings and shafts all over the place, I think I would rather tackle that on the bench for reassembly to be honest.

Surely mr @jamesmartin could shine some wisdom on this.

Broke my original key. Found the super glue had gone off. So metal putty to the rescue.
Quick fix while waiting for the mrs to arrive. Let's see how long this fix will last.
if its later box with 3/8 square drive drain plug the only way is pulling it apart,best done on a bench i wouldnt attempt pulling the sandwich plate away with box still secured to engine
if its later box with 3/8 square drive drain plug the only way is pulling it apart,best done on a bench i wouldnt attempt pulling the sandwich plate away with box still secured to engine

Thanks jm but do they all screw all the way through?

not usually ,its normally not been able to undo them thats an issue, i often use 3292 plug instead
Yup, they're usually slightly tapered, like some pipe threads, so they tighten up as they go in. This was a lot looser than I expected.
The frustrating thing is that it is an otherwise perfectly good gearbox, so it's not as if I'm looking for a recon unit at the moment.
Went out for a while after tea as the rain seemed to have cleared up and made some progress - dropped the overdrive unit, disconnected all the levers, pipes and wires from the transfer case, took the handbrake mechanism off the back of the transfer case, so I should be able to take it off once I finish work tomorrow. Then to get the main gearbox off and the two parts separated.

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