Finished making my battery tray. It fits and my battery is now secure :) I was trying to squeeze my compressor into the battery box as well, but it's a bit tight. I'm thinking about trimming the base of the compressor down a bit to get it in, as it would be a nice neat install and make it more usable.
Done something at last, fitted 1.4 transfer box onto the R380, just got rear crank oil seal to do now and it can be mated together and painted:)
Wired up spots and also a lights on alarm.....that was an interesting afternoon, it would seem when the 90 was converted form v8 to 200tdi and the bulkhead was replaced the guy doing the wiring was colour blind, well, lets just give him the benefit of the doubt :scratching_chin:
Replaced the rear trailing arm front bushes. Left the rear ones as they seemed ok. Will get my spare trailing arms, refurbish them and do a swap at some other time ;).
gave mine an oil change with filter and a double check of the rockers had my eldest taking the cover off and sitting under it as I covered the drive in oil :mad: and asking if the sump was the gearbox lol got the right ideas just needs some guidance.

one thing I am confused about is that with loosening the white screw out the bottom of the fuel filter I get nothing come out even with loosening the bleed screw in the filter housing. I also tried the same thing with the engine running and all that happened was the revs at idle dropped really low untill I tightened them back up so I'm guessing that was due to it drawing air in through the loosened screws but surely I should have diesel coming out with the engine off?


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gave mine an oil change with filter and a double check of the rockers had my eldest taking the cover off and sitting under it as I covered the drive in oil :mad: and asking if the sump was the gearbox lol got the right ideas just needs some guidance.

one thing I am confused about is that with loosening the white screw out the bottom of the fuel filter I get nothing come out even with loosening the bleed screw in the filter housing. I also tried the same thing with the engine running and all that happened was the revs at idle dropped really low untill I tightened them back up so I'm guessing that was due to it drawing air in through the loosened screws but surely I should have diesel coming out with the engine off?
Was your kid extra on a mad max film- looks about to get comfortable in engine bay for a kip or remove all your copper wire
Replaced a relay on mine and found the spare cable for extra lights I fitted ages ago- ready to wire up

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