Replaced both rear brake discs, both front cailipers, pads all round, changed tranny oil front & back.
Found anti roll bar mounting had come away so replaced that, found fuel filler pipe was starting to split so replaced that......oh and a new set of wiper blades!
Ready for the winter now, bring it on
Bolted old rear door handle between cubby box and passenger seat for disabled friend to grab onto on corners. She had a stroke and has trouble with balance now.
Kids come in useful - get under there and hold that bolt in place :D
Moved a car on trailer with it and painted me grill silver, well allyouminniuum actually but needs to be more like stainless steel colour looking at it.:)
Booked D2's MOT for Monday - and arranged to help clear/extend sunroof drain pipes, fit cruise control switch and connect up parrot while it is at garage...oh, and get it chipped. :)
Threatened it that I might do some work on it .. if the feckin' rain/wind stops or other stuff doesn't get in the way.

.. and I find a tuit .. ;)
An odd thing happened today I went out in the 90, with the lights on 'cos of the fog, when I pulled up and turned the ignition off the engine kept running. When I turned the lights off the engine stopped. Tried it several times and the it's still doing it?? some how I must be getting a feed from the lights switch back to the ignition. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a clue as to where to start looking for the solution.
Just put the handbrake back together with a new cable……..which cnut decided to use pins with a spring and collet instead of M4 bolts and nylocks :mad: taken me two fcuking hours!
An odd thing happened today I went out in the 90, with the lights on 'cos of the fog, when I pulled up and turned the ignition off the engine kept running. When I turned the lights off the engine stopped. Tried it several times and the it's still doing it?? some how I must be getting a feed from the lights switch back to the ignition. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a clue as to where to start looking for the solution.

1: Earths
2: chafing on the loom, prime suspect where it comes round the bellhousing/bulkhead.
was sunny earlier on today, and as my landie was high in the air on ramps & big concrete blocks, I decieded today was the day to get my "evil" jet wash out to blast all that lives underneath, from the bonnet down to the floor, taking each wheel of for a good jetwashing as I went.
done the front end, stopped for lunch then it ****ed down with rain..
2 hours later it had stopped enough to continue..

true to form I jet washed just about everything & everywhere,
including the door shuts, even down the nice silver painted exhaust ( bad news that was :( .. )

I ended up feckin soaked, but happy in a weird sort of way..
landie is still up on blocks/ramps, but going to take it down tomorrow/weekend to go for a drive round to dry it all off thoroughly (sunny weekend due?)
then back up in the air for shultzing everything thats needs to be undersealed.

so, I got the hose and stiff broom and swept all the crud away,
started the diesel to try and dry the engine, revved it a bit after a while,
went round the back end to find a huge black gooey mess blown from the exhaust :(
thought - dum fcuk I is !!
so washed it all away again..

warm sunny weekend wanted pleeeese....
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An odd thing happened today I went out in the 90, with the lights on 'cos of the fog, when I pulled up and turned the ignition off the engine kept running. When I turned the lights off the engine stopped. Tried it several times and the it's still doing it?? some how I must be getting a feed from the lights switch back to the ignition. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a clue as to where to start looking for the solution.

was one of the many symptoms I had a while ago. turned out my front bulkhead wasn't earthed and when I ran a new earth strap from bulkhead to engine that prob, plus a shed load of others, all stopped. Might be worth getting a jump lead to make some temp earth connections and see if that sorts things
That would fail the challenge and I might as well ask nrgserv to fit it :D

The challenge is to fit it on my own :eek:

My own fault cause at the weekend I asked Neil to fit it and happened to say "its only 4 bolts, how hard can it be" :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D
found yer secret thread :eek:
Reet, this is the one i done bought...

Realtime GPS Tracker Drive Vehicle Car GPS/GSM/GPRS Tracking System TK103B | eBay

immobiliser, door/current sensing, remote gprs and gps antenna, will link to the siren i have.
Im hoping I can use it to replace the dead LR unit I already have, bought it for the tracker more than the alarm, but a bit of noise wont hurt.
when "armed" it automatically tells you if the vehicle is moved.
having a mosey on the tinterntet, it seems to also text you periodically to let you know its still working, and to stop the PAYG sim dying.

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