Hacked up the seat box, made up some rear tub repair panels and riveted them in, screwed the handbrake drum back on and made a plan for tomorrow
Fan belt snapped this morning, 10 mins to fit a new one and back on the road;)

Was hoping it would last until the engine came out:rolleyes:
Stuck my new drivers seat base in. Old one was held together with duct tape and filled with a couple of old tshirts and a yellow car wash sponge.
Took mine for a spin to the isle of widget yesterday. Getting off the ferry I was suddenly confronted with no turbo. After driving to seaview with no turbo I popped the bonnet up to find that the ferries engine had unscrewed the wastegate rod. 30 seconds later and I was back to full pulling power. Note to self that the lock nut is there for a reason. :eek::rolleyes::doh::doh::doh:
fitted slave, messed with slam panel, fitted drivers manifold and gasket, removed the ****ty old throttle linkage and did a little general tidying
An odd thing happened today I went out in the 90, with the lights on 'cos of the fog, when I pulled up and turned the ignition off the engine kept running. When I turned the lights off the engine stopped. Tried it several times and the it's still doing it?? some how I must be getting a feed from the lights switch back to the ignition. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a clue as to where to start looking for the solution.

yep get it now n then on the 110 td5
and have'nt got a clue what causes it :rolleyes:
got the old landy MOT'd this morning shame i didnt get back to the post office for the tax in time :( , have to wait till monday now i suppose :rolleyes:
Changed the N/S headlamp for one without a cracked lens and water in it ...

then found that the O/S sidelight bulb had blow when checking that the things worked ...

found a broken / cut (?) wire behind the N/S light, for the motor I think, mended it with a choc block til I find summat better ...
An odd thing happened today I went out in the 90, with the lights on 'cos of the fog, when I pulled up and turned the ignition off the engine kept running. When I turned the lights off the engine stopped. Tried it several times and the it's still doing it?? some how I must be getting a feed from the lights switch back to the ignition. Has anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a clue as to where to start looking for the solution.

yep get it now n then on the 110 td5
and have'nt got a clue what causes it :rolleyes:

paul.that has got to be a short in the loom hasn't it.prob a chafed cable in the bulkhead.

Sounds like what he said ^^... :D

Chaffed wire or dicky earth... might be in lighting switch or ignition tho ...
The two new prop yokes, nuts & bolts fo the 200tdi failed to arrive from Paddocks. Despite the pouring rain (and having a cold) rashly decided to remove the front prop, in the hope the courier would eventually show up. It was the first time I've ever done this job & mostly it were a pain in the ass. To cut a long & very wet story short, the courier was a no show & we cannibalised a 300tdi prop (spare from a friends defender 300tdi conversion) Anyway, no more strange squealing noises & no more vibration. Celebrated by driving a mountain trail on the way home.

Went for a drive around the island yesterday. Had a mosey around the needles batteries and then finished off the day with scampi and chips from my favourite chippy whilst watching the sun go down.





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