If the tyres are the same make/model that should be sufficient.

If you measure them from the center to the ground you will find the fronts are 'smaller' by a few mm because they are squashed by the weight of the engine//box. There was a thread about it and @dfossil fitted some speed sensors to his props and found that once moving the props turned at the same speed. IIRC it was only at very slow speeds, cornering and climbing hills that there was any noticeable difference in prop speeds.

lol, the mind does play tricks. If the components (IRD, diff & VCU) are in decent health with matching tyres, there shouldn't be a problem - but I don't think I could have peace of mind restoring mine to 4WD without installing a TPMS.
They say paranoia is healthy. ("They" obviously own Freelanders!)
I feel the same way whenever I back up in the Freelander. I did the OWUT yesterday
and the time was acceptable so my level of paranoia about that particular issue is down a notch or two.
As for driving it to the airport, If it was mine and I had to drive it I would just drive like I was on a fuel economy test
and be very gentle.
I did wonder about the difference in weight between the front and rear and thought I'd probably jack up each wheel in turn to measure them. We'll see though. I like the idea of a TMPS but I'm happy checking them manually to be honest. As for the drive to the airport, I will be going slow and steady, and the weekend's findings will determine if I'm going in two or four wheel drive.
Finally got round to sorting out our 'spare' fob. The clip holding the battery in place became detatched when I replaced the battery a while back. Been meaning to sort it in case anything happens to the other one.

I took it to a watch/clock repairers in the local shops and they didn't seem interested, so popped a couple of doors down to see my friend in the computer repairs shop. He fired up his soldering iron and resoldered the 2 joints that had failed. He didn't want any cash, but bunged him $20 (£10) which was good money for 10 mins effort, but a lot less than getting another 1 and getting it programmed.

Works a treat again.
The Freelander, I do love it but, It seems to mock me so.

One day it drives like a dream, the next it has me paranoid with every knock, click or murmur.

I did a quick "by hand" OWUT last night, in advance of the proper one I'll do this weekend. Promising results! I was pleased.

A subsequent very short drive to the supermarket today left me amused. I've been living with a leaking sunroof for a little while now. But, the only place the chuffing leak drips?... Right onto the driver's forehead!

Never once has there been even an inkling of water falling anywhere else around the aperture of the sunroof opening. It's taking the p*** out of me.

Might have to move the sunroof replacement up the list a bit.
My task today was fitting new bub to the clock. Was pretty straightforward but I had forgotten that the bulb is brighter when the headlights are off! At first I thought I had got something wrong!!
Next job is the roof aerial!!
On the freelander today I have fitted new wheel centre hub caps and a tmps. Spent last night changing the damn heater blower on my Astra. Much prefer doing stuff on the freelander though.

Going to start fitting the side bars later, but there will be questions about that in another thread!
Can someone please tell me where the stealth switch is on my freelander 1. I must have accidently knocked it to the on position judging by the amount of people who keep pulling out on me.

Can someone please tell me where the stealth switch is on my freelander 1. I must have accidently knocked it to the on position judging by the amount of people who keep pulling out on me.


Not found mine yet as I'm suffering the same problem at the moment. It's very irritating to keep having to take evasive action because people don't seem to use there eye's. :confused::mad:
On the anecdotal front, I felt that more people were pulling out of me when I got my FL. I put it down to it being the first black car I'd owned and therefore it was less visible than any of my previous vehicles.
On the anecdotal front, I felt that more people were pulling out of me when I got my FL. I put it down to it being the first black car I'd owned and therefore it was less visible than any of my previous vehicles.
I put it down to the general deterioration for driving standards these days. I find that folks seem to struggle on roundabouts. I mean it isn't rocket science it give way to the right, is it. But I've had 3 Muppets this week pull out on me while I'm on a roundabout. One of them was in a Smart for One. They obviously have no idea how soft a Smart's drivers door is, or they would have waited. But I can guarantee that the side of a Smart is going to fare worse than a Freelander front corner.
What I have noticed is when I go from a twin lane to a single like at traffic lights the amount of drivers think because I drive a Freelander I am slow and they can pass ..... until the turbo kicks in :D while not being a sports car it can shift when it wants to:p
Mrs Grumpy is always complaining.

... about cars pulling out in front of her. I don't get people pulling out in front of me driving the same roads.
I had some wa**er in a Lexus SUV cut me off n the highway in my Hippo yesterday He was in a big hurry to get somewhere and didn't notice that the highway was two lines of cars stretching as far as you could see. Traffic was still moving at a good speed though so it was best just to relax and go with the flow. I bided my time and eventually found myself in front of Mr. impatient who then glued himself to my bumper. He made the mistake of giving me the double finger as we were passing a truck. Not smart to insult the guy in front of you! After that it took me miles to get by that truck. Eventually I pulled into the other lane and let him by, then followed him at a safe distance to give him something t think about. I felt quite good by the time I got home.
I had some wa**er in a Lexus SUV cut me off n the highway in my Hippo yesterday He was in a big hurry to get somewhere and didn't notice that the highway was two lines of cars stretching as far as you could see. Traffic was still moving at a good speed though so it was best just to relax and go with the flow. I bided my time and eventually found myself in front of Mr. impatient who then glued himself to my bumper. He made the mistake of giving me the double finger as we were passing a truck. Not smart to insult the guy in front of you! After that it took me miles to get by that truck. Eventually I pulled into the other lane and let him by, then followed him at a safe distance to give him something t think about. I felt quite good by the time I got home.
I like your style :)

After passing the truck, I hope you moved over into the other lane VERY slowly.
After I passed I made sure that there wasn't quite enough room for the guy to get by for a while. His poor wife looked very embaressed. Eventually he got back into traffic and was cutting people up just to get one car further up the line. Crazy. Normally I just let these aggressive jokers go but this guy was over the top.
Today I replaced my passenger side window regulator on my 2002 late 5 door freelander. Took only 1 1/2 to do with nice collection of pictures to for memories.:rolleyes:
Sometimes I think we forget how nice the Freelander is to drive.
Last week work gave me a brand spanking shiny all singing all dancing- health and safety passed- high visibility van, with just 2 miles on the clock.
It's a Citroen Relay Tipper.
I think that's all I need to say about the hateful pile of maggot infested junk.
Today I had to go to the dentist's, so I got to drive my hippo.
When I got back I gave it a little tap of thanks and the promise of a wash.
I do wish I could drive it more often:rolleyes:

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