[Qhad some dge68, post: 4204096, member: 79035"]Today on the way to work I noticed a slight clunk from the front nearside as I straightened the steering. So I suspect another drop link is on its way out. I only replaced it in September, so I'm far from impressed. Time to look onto making a more durable pair of drop links I think.[/QUOTE]
I had some QA ones from euro car parts that only lasted a year too....some are just pants
Replaced gear lever gaiter with genuine Italian leather version, cost £10,and the job proved much easier than I had anticipated
P1050991.JPG P1050995.JPG
There is nothing more expensive than a cheap Range Rover........except maybe a cheap BMW 7-series! :eek:
Very true!

True! I guess this was an L332? Expensive cars new, and still expensive to maintain - at least until parts prices start to become more realistic.

I know what you are all thinking.....why did the fool try and fix one thing when you know it will break something else. Well I thought I could get away with it so there :p
i k ow that feeling only far too well... ;)
Got it that wash I promised it. Admittedly I didn't do it, but I am a tad busy.
So whilst driving back from the fish shop ( purchased live brine shrimp and mysis for my fishies to chase and eat:)) I drove into one of the many hand wash places. Did quite a nice job on it for £8.
Spent the rest of today painting:( guess what I'm doing tomorrow:(:(:(
Lol! Reminds me of that book “Which would you rather” where you had to choose between driving into a bed of nettles or sticking bee hive down your pants... ;)
Today I decided to do the OWUT on my 05 SE. It's been 10K miles since the last test. Last time I recorded a time of 55 seconds, which prompted me to buy some VCU fluid for a refurb.
Today's test was considerably different from last time, but not how I would have expected. The time today was 40 seconds, using the same lever and same weight. :confused:

So somehow my VCU has freed up, not stiffened as I would have expected. :eek: I did the test 3 times, just to make sure I'd not messed up, but 40 seconds is correct.:D Looks like I'll be putting off the refurb for a while longer yet.

I also decided to test some £10.95 drop links from EBay. The box shows them as OE quality, but I guess time will tell on that front. I've recorded the date fitted and mileage so I can report back on here when or if they fail.;) They look to be of reasonable quality, so time will tell.

I also fitted a replacement aerial and down lead as my original down lead was open circuit somewhere in the wire and the aerial was rusted into the base, making removal impossible. I decided against spending LR prices on replacement items and chose a £7 Amazon full kit instead. It works perfectly and now picks up all the available stations in stereo no less. So that was well worth the few quid, as long is it doesn't leak like the last one had in the past.
Bit of a let down, I even made it to work in the van. But it's snowing now here at work, about 740ft above see level. Getting back home might be a different matter.:eek:
It is rather! But hope you can get home okay!
My wife is driving it to work this morning rather than the electric car just to be sure...

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