Not done a lot since last Wednesday, grafted solid for 10 days under the bugger, just had the new rear diff brackets to fit, then I had an heart attack on Wednesday night. Treated by the finest medical team in Edinburgh, 3 hour 15 minute operation on Thursday morning, through an 1/8 of an inch cut in my wrist, 3 stents fitted and all is well. I got back home on Saturday night, which I think is unbelievable. I think it was natures way to tell me that 71 year olds shouldn't be messing about under Freelanders!
Not done a lot since last Wednesday, grafted solid for 10 days under the bugger, just had the new rear diff brackets to fit, then I had an heart attack on Wednesday night. Treated by the finest medical team in Edinburgh, 3 hour 15 minute operation on Thursday morning, through an 1/8 of an inch cut in my wrist, 3 stents fitted and all is well. I got back home on Saturday night, which I think is unbelievable. I think it was natures way to tell me that 71 year olds shouldn't be messing about under Freelanders!
Sorry to hear that mate. Good luck with your recovery. My brother went through the same thing and is back to 100% again so afraid you'll only be able to use that as an excuse for a few months.
Milk it while you can. :p
****. Hope you're okay @Old diver ! Hopefully the freelander wasn't the cause!

I spent 30 mins under mine today checking the VCU bearings for alignment and trying to ascertain the cause of an occasional creaking from the front on lock, and a suspension knock from the rear. The bearings were spot on but I found some play in various bushes. Sadly my experience doesn't tell me if it's play that is correct or excessive.

The freelander transmission certainly doesn't help the old ticker.
Not done a lot since last Wednesday, grafted solid for 10 days under the bugger, just had the new rear diff brackets to fit, then I had an heart attack on Wednesday night. Treated by the finest medical team in Edinburgh, 3 hour 15 minute operation on Thursday morning, through an 1/8 of an inch cut in my wrist, 3 stents fitted and all is well. I got back home on Saturday night, which I think is unbelievable. I think it was natures way to tell me that 71 year olds shouldn't be messing about under Freelanders!
Couple of pints of dark and a whiskey chaser, you'll be right;)
Take it easy
occasional creaking from the front on lock

Mine creaks when lock is applied, especially when stationary. I've yet to find the source, despite replacing all rubber components in the suspension system. I'm now thinking that the track rod end rubbers might be the cause of the creak.
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Despite replacing all rubber components in the suspension system.

This is my next course of action I think.

I drove home today with my nice new speakers not giving me sweet sounds so I could listen for knocks and noises. There seem to be more every day. I think the answer is to leave the stereo on, loud.

I have just got under the car for another look and I think I'll do drop links, wishbones & snubber and ARB bushes as soon as I can afford them. Had a look at the driveshafts too. There is about +/- 1mm of lateral play in both of them. No up or down movement though. Is that something to be concerned about?
There is about +/- 1mm of lateral play in both of them. No up or down movement though. Is that something to be concerned about?

Nothing to worry about.

I have a pair of new large bushes if you'r interested. I bought them for mine, only to find I already had a pair. :confused:
In prep for a WoF [your MoT] and a new pair of tyres - moved good tyres to front, new ones go on the back and removed nudge bars.

Failed WoF. 2 new tyres √, front left brake hose slightly twisted [ has passed 2 WoFs already :D] and a noisey Front wheel bearing. Now wheel bearings range from £20 up in 'old blighty', but here they are about £75 and up to £160! I can get one in from Australia for about £60 - £65. So I've decided to kill 2 birds with one stone - I've had an irritating oil weep from the left drive shaft seal from diff/g'box, So have ordered a replacement drive shaft and a wheel bearing - cost? about £100 delivered! Freight was quite reasonable considering the weight I Guess. I have the diff seal and strake nut on hand already. :D
A package contains a U915 TPMS arrived today... will now figure out how best to integrate into the dash without it looking too aftermarket :D
Oh, and somehow my son adjusted the clock using the buttons: it’s never worked before? Amazing: a self fixing Hippo. Maybe it’s feeling the love? lol ;)
well with the nice weather today I made the mistake of opening the sun roof to vent a little heat
all I heard was the dreaded clicking nose of plastic cogs :eek: never again
its just took me the best part of two hours to get it to close again
its now disconnected
Not a bad idea but how accurate are these aftermarket systems? Curious as tyre pressure is so critical, and an inaccurate system could be as bad as none at all.
Pics when done please Rob ;)
Will do! And Nodge's thought of putting it in the rear view mirror is a good one, as the display is pretty small. But I am thinking of a more conventional location in the lower console, replacing one of the many blank switches my basic Hippo is blessed with! ;)
I was going to see if I could track down the fuel leak on my TD4 but have ended up working instead - will see if I can track it down tomorrow instead. Working from home though, so sat in the conservatory with a cup of coffee - could get used to this :)

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