As usual made a mountain out of a little one. Finally found a couple of days to do some work on the 90, so this morning start to put together the kit of bits for a stub axle replacement.
1st problem was finding it all since I bought all the bits last year.
That done I put the bronze (?) bushes in the freezer to shrink for a bit while I stripped everything off the passenger side front, easy peasy cos I had it all apart a couple of years ago to replace the swivel balls.
Pressed in the intermediate oil seal with the bush in the vice, went in nice and easy.
Reassembly easy enough but for the fact the brand new tube of threadlock was almost empty, had enough though, then found the new brake pads I had bought were wrong so ended up decontaminating the old ones with acetone and burning it off. Nearly set fire to the fecking shed as well as my leg, but they cleaned up OK.
New gaskets, hub nuts, lock washer. Had to rub the faces of the hub nuts on a sheet of emery to get rid of high spots, only a couple of slight burrs to get out but why? not as if they were blue bag either.
Bummer, half shaft is not out far enough to get the shim/circlip on, try pulling with a bolt into the half shaft end and a slide hammer, no go, so end up stripping back again to make sure the CV ball is tight up to the bush in the stub axle, desperately get enough thread lock onto threads that need it and reassemble again.
This time everything is good on the truck, as for me I'm now officially knacked out. But should get the other side done easy tomorrow, thats as long as I can buy some more thread lock locally, want to be green laning thursday.
Took first proper drive since fitting closed cell foam to underside of bonnet, cab side bulkhead and transmission tunnel, plus went round and tightened up all the nuts, bolts and screws. I'm surprised at the difference it's made. Don't get me wrong, the Disco 200tdi is still pretty loud, but theres definately an improvement. Next will be put closes cell foam on inside of roof and side panels, and see what that does. Then when I get some money, I'm buying a Wright off road rubber matting system.
Day two of stub axle replacement, drivers side all came apart easily enough, load of crusty oil/dust around the brake caliper to clean off.
Bought some lock tight from a tractor garage a few miles down the road so time to start putting things back together, no dramas exept starting to get tired of kneeling down, and of all things getting cramp in my right buttock. Bleedin hell, these wheels are getting heavy, back in the day that would have been a one hand lift, nowadays I need a block of wood and a crowbar to lift the wheels back onto the studs.
Everything back together, dropped the oil out of the diff pan, refilled and then chucked a pack of "one shot" into each swivel housing.
Quick up and down the road to bed in and test the brakes, much better, I'll just take it steady for the next few journeys while everything beds in properly.
Fixed the diff lock mechanism and light issue. I replaced the switch which I had tested for operation and it made no difference :eek:
I realised (after much muttering and tutting) that the mechanism, whilst free and easy after stripping and cleaning was not engaging. I removed the linkage and adjusted the lower pivot point.

It would then engage but not disengage :rolleyes:
The bottom bracket had a lot of play in it so I gave it a slap ;)

Bolted it all back together and it now all works :D
Just put a gaff on the roof,
To be used as a radio mast tomorrow for the three rivers race.
Fixed the diff lock mechanism and light issue. I replaced the switch which I had tested for operation and it made no difference :eek:
I realised (after much muttering and tutting) that the mechanism, whilst free and easy after stripping and cleaning was not engaging. I removed the linkage and adjusted the lower pivot point.
View attachment 179550
It would then engage but not disengage :rolleyes:
The bottom bracket had a lot of play in it so I gave it a slap ;)
View attachment 179551

Bolted it all back together and it now all works :D
View attachment 179552

Nice work, job jobbed.

3 rivers.. where/what’s that?
Tomorrow is the start of the 59th running of the 3 Rivers Race, 100 sailing boats from 14ft to 40ft . Sailing a course of 50 miles which includes lowering your mast 4 times to get under 3 bridges. And you have 24 hours to do it. The record is about 8 hours, the worst only 13 boats finished.
It's classed as the toughest inland waterway race in Europe the 3rd toughest mass participation event in the UK. Here's a video clip which shows an introduction the start of the race and near the end going through Potter Heigham bridge. I'm in there somewhere, but this year I'm one of 100+ volunteers helping to run the race.. Must go time go collect the radio gear.

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