Had the 90 out yesterday just to go about a mile into the village, charging light started flickering. Parked up and then drove home, this time charge light nice and bright.
Bleedin alternator going tits up, if the belt had snapped it would be full charge light right from go right?
Got home and had a look, alt was swinging about, mounting bolt nowhere to be seen !!! so took alt off and had a proper look and had to scratch the old bonce a bit.
The mounting bolt goes through a bracket which is part of the power steering pump and there were the remains of a bolt snapped off about 6mm inside the face of the bracket, a thin probe found the same on the other end of the bolt hole !!! no idea what had been going on, gave everything a good dose of plus gas and packed up for the day.
So this morning found a bolt of the right thread and drilled a hole through it, this gave me a guide to center a drill in the remains of the bolt, after a lot of grunting and a few swear words I drilled the whole lot out while in situe (really did not want to be taking 30 year old steering fluid hoses apart). As luck would have it, in the bottom of my odds and sods drawer I found a bolt the right length and dia, it was nice and new and even 8.8 how lucky was that. Anyway, job jobbed, road tested and everything OK.
So the question is, shirley from factory there would have been a std long bolt going right through everything, as I have now, why was this mounting threaded?