Bit annoying when they quote ex VAT. They know full well I'm not Spong PLC or Spongco Inc and so unlikely to be claiming the VAT back. Just trying to make it sound cheaper.
Bit annoying when they quote ex VAT. They know full well I'm not Spong PLC or Spongco Inc and so unlikely to be claiming the VAT back. Just trying to make it sound cheaper.


Bit annoying when they quote ex VAT. They know full well I'm not Spong PLC or Spongco Inc and so unlikely to be claiming the VAT back. Just trying to make it sound cheaper.
I was under the assumption that all goods offered to the Public had to include VAT - in our shop we quote + VAT on all items but it's a trade centre.

Garages usually. I should have used the quote button, but Brian and Gary were discussing the VAT.

I was under the assumption that all goods offered to the Public had to include VAT - in our shop we quote + VAT on all items but it's a trade centre.

Yes, it makes sense when you're just as likely to encounter traders as you are Joe Public over the counter, but I would think most local garages aren't.
no worries , sounds like a great plan and saving u the agro of having to take even more apart
plse let us know how u get on and agree the vat always makes the inv even more painful
good luck and that all goes well :)
Garages usually. I should have used the quote button, but Brian and Gary were discussing the VAT.
Yes, it makes sense when you're just as likely to encounter traders as you are Joe Public over the counter, but I would think most local garages aren't.
Yep! the VAT on that little outing came to just short of 57 quid! :(
But the Disco is legal for another year. :) Although it wasn't flagged up as an advisory, the garage did confirm what I'd known for a while that the rear step and its mechanism was on the point of turning to brown dust and depositing itself all over the road. So, I've got a new one on order.
As has often been said, if you can't afford to keep it on the road, don't buy a Land rover. :eek:
Yep! the VAT on that little outing came to just short of 57 quid! :(
But the Disco is legal for another year. :) Although it wasn't flagged up as an advisory, the garage did confirm what I'd known for a while that the rear step and its mechanism was on the point of turning to brown dust and depositing itself all over the road. So, I've got a new one on order.
As has often been said, if you can't afford to keep it on the road, don't buy a Land rover. :eek:

good to hear all went well, apart from the bill, lol but at least it’s all done and dusted for another year

suprising when i looked on line for my suspension parts, thinking that’s not bad then seeing it’s plus vat , grrrrrrrrrr

still , it is what it is and we all know how much much work it takes to keep a landy on the road that’s been well looked after and more importantly safe
Having given up on the reversing buzzer (OEM too damn expensive and then with no guarantee that it's not a wiring issue anyway), I fitted some LED reversing 'bulbs'...Bl**dy brilliant, best tenner I've spent for a long time and *highly* recommended. It's like dipped beam but...backwards

However, whilst the urge was upon me, I also bought two [advertised as] LED Fog 'bulbs' too. Well, all I can say is that the company I bought them from didn't quibble about a refund when I politely told them that their product had nothing more than a 'day-running light' capability. Luverly white light, but with dipped beam on you honestly couldn't tell if they were on or off.
Anybody found some pucca LED fog bulb's I said, that white light is...luverly!
Thanks Gary. Between us, the garage and me, we decided that if we had to pull the entire front suspension down on one side for whatever reason, it would be best to do both sides at the same time. Such is the extent of that job, you don't want to be doing it more than once in a lifetime so if ever we had to do it we'd do the front CV joints as well while we had access. The parts would be cheap enough, but I don't have the facilities or the specialist press tools. Breaking a ball joint is easy enough, but pressing the damned things out of the suspension arms ..... well that's different kettle of fish altogether.:eek::(
But since we don't have to, we won't do it. So it looks like I got away with a split type stick-on replacement boot and a fill with grease ....... result! :) Even so, I'm still expecting him to take 300 plus quid from in my pocket for all the work, although it's the bloody VAT that tends to sting a bit.:mad::(
You know when you've got a fairly good vehicle when the garage mechanics start offering you money for it. Either that or he doesn't pay them enough to buy anything else! :D

Last but one MoT on my Td5 required that I have all four ball joints (both sets for the front wheels) replaced. Couldn't do it myself, so sent for the mobile mechanic, who darn near defecated masonry, and took it to the workshop. They had to take an air chisel to one of them: They were the original installation, needless to say. Replaced them with bearmach units, and wow, was the ride quality improved afterwards :D
An odd one here, but it might be of use to somebody in the future.
I went to top up the coolant on the Disco and found the "rad cap" on the expansion tank very tight, but the instructions do say "Turn down tight".
Well after giving it some "welly", the top of the screw cap came away from the actual bits that do the work, the pressure release valves, etc. remained stuck in the neck of the tank.
I managed to get the bits out with a bit of levering, but having now "damaged" the cap, a new one was ordered. The next problem was how to prevent it happening in the future.
I decided to give the three rubber seals, the two rubber "O" rings and the seal at the very top in the cap the meerest hint of a smear of silicone grease. I used a small blob, just about the size of the head of a match, smoothed out between my thumb and finger then wiped on the seals. I decided on silicone grease because it's virtually inert and doesn't attack the materials in the cap, either the plastic or the rubber.
The result is a proper seal and a cap which I can fit and remove easily and it shouldn't get stuck again.
An odd one here, but it might be of use to somebody in the future.
I went to top up the coolant on the Disco and found the "rad cap" on the expansion tank very tight, but the instructions do say "Turn down tight".
Well after giving it some "welly", the top of the screw cap came away from the actual bits that do the work, the pressure release valves, etc. remained stuck in the neck of the tank.
I managed to get the bits out with a bit of levering, but having now "damaged" the cap, a new one was ordered. The next problem was how to prevent it happening in the future.
I decided to give the three rubber seals, the two rubber "O" rings and the seal at the very top in the cap the meerest hint of a smear of silicone grease. I used a small blob, just about the size of the head of a match, smoothed out between my thumb and finger then wiped on the seals. I decided on silicone grease because it's virtually inert and doesn't attack the materials in the cap, either the plastic or the rubber.
The result is a proper seal and a cap which I can fit and remove easily and it shouldn't get stuck again.

u must me a mind reader as i useto do that by applying a smear of silicone grease, same as i useto use on rad valve o rings

glad u got it sorted out

yesterday i noticed by autobox inlet hose to the intercooler was weeping , again , so re cleaned it and nipped up the jubilee clip, Snap , ah **** , so ordered some genuine stainless steel jubilee clips

also ordered a viscous spanner set, as i’ve noticed a very small oil leak on the cam cover, looks old , but will then remove the fan, got an old bit of diesel in a jerry can in the garden so will just use that , clean it all up and then recheck it in a few weeks

just getting all the little jobs sorted out as i progress replacing these front struts
Had the airbox out on my td5 for a clean, bit of old mud hiding away

Hoover out and wire brushed the rusty bits. Just sprayed some galv on til i move house and got time to do a proper job.

The rubber diaphragm thing on the bottom of the airbox was jammed with crap
Does she run a bit better now the airs getting in properly?

The topside (inside) of the box was clean to be fair, recent filter as well so she was ok. It was just that drain bung rubber thingy blocked up. I don't think it affected running but makes me feel better now it's clean :) I'm going to make a point of squeezing it now and again like your supposed to to clear it lol
I'm bit thick aren't I? Doesn't draw any air that way does it duh? In my defence I'm old and tired lol

Haha no worries, posts can be a bit ambiguous sometimes, I have to read some 2 or 3 times to make sure I've got it right :oops: and I still don't half the time :rolleyes:
Haha no worries, posts can be a bit ambiguous sometimes, I have to read some 2 or 3 times to make sure I've got it right :oops: and I still don't half the time :rolleyes:
Made myself a complete tit the other day on here , I'm sure it came through as a new post but turned out I was replying to a 3 year old one! Never mind lol

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