At the last MoT, I asked my garage man to take a look at the rear step 'cos it was bit wonky, it was making a sort of grinding noise when I stepped on it and it didn't return back up to its rest position when there was no weight on it.
His conclusion was it was fairly well rotted away.
So, after I got a new step assembly and a pair of new 100mm x 10M bolts from Rimmers, every other supplier's price was more or less the same, but their's was marginally less, I took everything up to the garage and he replaced the assembly for me FOC.
OK, it was about a half hour work and I'd supplied all the parts, but to be honest, I'm getting to the point where I'm beginning to accept my limitations, and scrambling about on my back under a Disco is one of them.
At the last MoT, I asked my garage man to take a look at the rear step 'cos it was bit wonky, it was making a sort of grinding noise when I stepped on it and it didn't return back up to its rest position when there was no weight on it.
His conclusion was it was fairly well rotted away.
So, after I got a new step assembly and a pair of new 100mm x 10M bolts from Rimmers, every other supplier's price was more or less the same, but their's was marginally less, I took everything up to the garage and he replaced the assembly for me FOC.
OK, it was about a half hour work and I'd supplied all the parts, but to be honest, I'm getting to the point where I'm beginning to accept my limitations, and scrambling about on my back under a Disco is one of them.

happy days and plsed u got it all all done

i had to buy some 200mm x M16 bolts the other day for my front struts i nearly fell over , £25 bleeding quid, gulp , it also shopped around everywhere and agree many where the same price

have found island 4 x4 and brit car not bad on price

ur not wrong there , ive also had to accept limitations , especially when bolts are done up to 220ilbs , i would end up looking like a squirrel storing ma nuts in me socks , lol

have u much else to do, or just servicing now
I trust they were the correct spec bolts you used there Gary?


oh yes , i know better not to shop around for specific designed bolts , lol , bought them from brit car

plus would have never lived it down if i had bought non specific bolts ;):D
have u much else to do, or just servicing now

Generally the Disco is in great condition, so there's very little to do and I do get it serviced regularly. Although I do have a couple of little projects I would like to get done. At the moment I have a digital voltmeter fitted on the face of the coin drawer which I'm going to replace with a combined digital volt/ammeter with a 100 Amp shunt under the bonnet.
I'm also going to install the cruise control switches and get that going. I'll maybe have a look at whether or not I have heating elements in the front seats, if so I might try to get those up and working too.
Another thing which I've noticed is that on the roof there are a couple of places where the lacquer has started to lift. A respray on the roof would probably be uneconomic, given that it's a 14 year old vehicle so after talking to a couple of bodywork "specialists" I've come to the conclusion that a vinyl wrap on just the roof might be the way to go.
+1 on getting the CC sorted.... really is wonderful to do distance with, did mine a few months ago and once you get into the habit it just adds to that calm you get when pottering along...
Generally the Disco is in great condition, so there's very little to do and I do get it serviced regularly. Although I do have a couple of little projects I would like to get done. At the moment I have a digital voltmeter fitted on the face of the coin drawer which I'm going to replace with a combined digital volt/ammeter with a 100 Amp shunt under the bonnet.
I'm also going to install the cruise control switches and get that going. I'll maybe have a look at whether or not I have heating elements in the front seats, if so I might try to get those up and working too.
Another thing which I've noticed is that on the roof there are a couple of places where the lacquer has started to lift. A respray on the roof would probably be uneconomic, given that it's a 14 year old vehicle so after talking to a couple of bodywork "specialists" I've come to the conclusion that a vinyl wrap on just the roof might be the way to go.

sounds like a good plan and remember we spoke about he volt meter , lol

indeed, suprising how long the little jobs take and think owning a landy there’s always something to do

i have had to get heavier tools since owning the disco, seeing parts , nuts etc are a lot bigger than my old hippo , regardless of all the work i’ve done i wouldn’t change this disco for the world, best thing i’ve ever done

is ur cc plug and play , done it to mine and alas then just told the system it was there

wondered that also at one time ref the heated seats , mine are cloth and upgraded mine to electric and as i had them all apart i didn’t bother fitting the elements as it meant , getting the switches, ecu, relay etc etc , so didnt bother , assume it’s the same for urs isn’t it or is everything there

i did however look at a heated steering wheel, till i saw the price, gulp

did upgrade my wiper and indicator stalks from a D4 , lol

would it ever be cheaper fitting a vinyl black roof or do u think it wouldn’t look right or expensive

+1 on getting the CC sorted.... really is wonderful to do distance with, did mine a few months ago and once you get into the habit it just adds to that calm you get when pottering along...

reminds me i must recheck what the mpg is since fitting the cc , just out of basic curiosity and agree is so nice down the motorway and giving ur legs a rest on a long journey

until whilst activated u start coming up to a vehicle ahead and thinking do i need to overtake or lower the cc, lol
is ur cc plug and play , done it to mine and alas then just told the system it was there
Everything I've read about it says yes, it's just plug 'n' play. Just remove the driver's airbag for access, cut out the hole on the steering wheel housing, fit the switches and plug them into the existing wiring, fit the switch in the correct slot on the binnacle and away to go, or that's how it should go.
As for the heated seats, the first job is to confirm that I have the heater elements in the seats, if I don't, well it all becomes a bit academic and pointless. If the elements are present then I'll need to get hold of the proper centre console switch plate and switches. As I said, first job find out what I've got then find the switches. That should be plug 'n' play too.
CC is an easy fit, one of the first things I did on mine.

But I find it does increase fuel consumption.

Everything I've read about it says yes, it's just plug 'n' play. Just remove the driver's airbag for access, cut out the hole on the steering wheel housing, fit the switches and plug them into the existing wiring, fit the switch in the correct slot on the binnacle and away to go, or that's how it should go.
As for the heated seats, the first job is to confirm that I have the heater elements in the seats, if I don't, well it all becomes a bit academic and pointless. If the elements are present then I'll need to get hold of the proper centre console switch plate and switches. As I said, first job find out what I've got then find the switches. That should be plug 'n' play too.

sounds like the same that i did with the cc, then updated via the diagnostics , think my setting was called ladder 1 , but don’t know how they compare

indeed ref ur seats , i couldn’t really warrant the money and nothing was there so would have been fun finding all the bits

good luck and am always interested with any landy mods , yeh i know need to get out more, lol
CC is an easy fit, one of the first things I did on mine.

But I find it does increase fuel consumption.


was curious about that ref the mpg and using cc, know we don’t buy them for fuel economy

maybe i assumed as the vehicle was controlling the engine it would do it smoother than me

i found out when i fitted cc that on there is another switch for adaptive cruise control, but would then need to fit front sensors , but can’t imagine it being that simple, lol
Done a bit of under body work :confused:
But gotta hand it to it, still runs and drives... even if it has a big crumple and some holes in it..


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Howdy doo!!
Did t see this section!! I've just posted what I did today on my disco in the what have you done today on your landie section!! Can I get it from there to here?? As I couldnt retype it, as I was speaking from the heart!! And it wouldn't have the same passion behind it!
Howdy doo!!
Did t see this section!! I've just posted what I did today on my disco in the what have you done today on your landie section!! Can I get it from there to here?? As I couldnt retype it, as I was speaking from the heart!! And it wouldn't have the same passion behind it!
Hey there!
You could always just copy and paste it if you wanted ;)
I've swore at mine.. hit it with a branch(pretending it was part of a sketch out offaulty towers! ) called it all the names under the sun! Just to takemy frustration out!! I'm going insane with the thing!!! It wouldn't start!!! Nothing at all!! No ignition lights or nowt.. thought it was the little fob imobilzer , checked all that!! Then realised I took the battery off this morning as I was going to start pulling the Ac fans and radiator off!!!
I feel guilty now!!
I got distracted by this forum and I've tret my beloved disco like I treat the wife..
I never feel like this broken up inside when I put her in her place!!!
Howdy doo!!
Did t see this section!! I've just posted what I did today on my disco in the what have you done today on your landie section!! Can I get it from there to here?? As I couldnt retype it, as I was speaking from the heart!! And it wouldn't have the same passion behind it!

good to see ur finding the sections , lol, normally as u say if ur doing a long project we post it as a new tread within the discovery section then if someone does a search it’s not hidden inside another long thread , or if you’ve just done a quick job we’ve generally posted it here

if that makes sense

i will get my coat , lol
I've swore at mine.. hit it with a branch(pretending it was part of a sketch out offaulty towers! ) called it all the names under the sun! Just to takemy frustration out!! I'm going insane with the thing!!! It wouldn't start!!! Nothing at all!! No ignition lights or nowt.. thought it was the little fob imobilzer , checked all that!! Then realised I took the battery off this morning as I was going to start pulling the Ac fans and radiator off!!!
I feel guilty now!!
I got distracted by this forum and I've tret my beloved disco like I treat the wife..
I never feel like this broken up inside when I put her in her place!!!

Well done mate, proud of ya haha... shame you didn't learn how to connect the battery as fast as you did copy and pasting ;)
and count yourself lucky... scroll up a little and see my pics, thats a disaster right there, and even worse m 2000 miles away from the UK :confused:
good to see ur finding the sections , lol, normally as u say if ur doing a long project we post it as a new tread within the discovery section then if someone does a search it’s not hidden inside another long thread , or if you’ve just done a quick job we’ve generally posted it here

if that makes sense

i will get my coat , lol
It doesn't really, but it will sink in eventually!! I'm a disaster when it comes to figuring out technology things!! I go in feet first!! But keep me right if you don't mind and thanks for the help!! Still don't really understand.. did I do this right or wrong???

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