in the past i've stopped for a new range rover and all i've got was people stuck up there own back sides

with people having that sort of attitude i just let them get on with it

always helped other land rover owners broken down at the road side, as i've been there and know what it feels like

In recent times, the only Land Rover I've seen broken at the side of the road was one owned by a certain engineer from maesteg, who to save his blushes shall remain nameless.
In fairness, I did stop, mainly to have a laugh at, sorry with him. :D
I have in the past supported it on 4 axle stands - is this dangerous?
I like the look of the 'hipporamps' and might make some. If all four wheels were supported on these type of ramps, is this unsafe?

must admit i would never be that brave supporting any vehicle with four axle stands
must admit i would never be that brave supporting any vehicle with four axle stands

I did it just last week, As long as you are sensible how you raise the vehicle and do it in stages. I also give the vehicle a damn good shake before i get under it. Plus I will place blocks under the wheels .

A couple of years ago I took it to a local garage run by a single-handed mechanic. He asked me to drive it onto the 'ramps' over his pit. They were basically RSJ's on their side which were just wider than my tyres. Because of the angle of the bonnet I couldn't see them, so he guided me by hand signals. It was about five foot off the ground and scary trusting someone else's hand signals. He has since had operations on both eyes, so I am glad he could see clear enough that day. Obviously he does it lots of times in a day and thought it funny I was so squeamish.
I have in the past supported it on 4 axle stands - is this dangerous?
I like the look of the 'hipporamps' and might make some. If all four wheels were supported on these type of ramps, is this unsafe?

As I said, lifting any corner of a vehicle off the ground and you're taking a risk.
In reality you should only be lifting as little as you really have to in order to get the job done.
If you're going to go lifting all four corners like you suggest you really should have the ambulance service on speed-dial on your mobile phone. Nine times out of ten you might get away with it, but I wouldn't want to be around on the tenth time.
I have in the past supported it on 4 axle stands - is this dangerous?
I like the look of the 'hipporamps' and might make some. If all four wheels were supported on these type of ramps, is this unsafe?
HippoRamps are made from propper lengths of wood, nailed together. The top and bottom layers are at 90 degrees to the middle layer. This makes them stronger. They're safe to use, but yer have to remember a vehicle can roll off a ramp. Hence chocking the wheels is a must. Nailing a chock to them is a good idea. I never use them without the handbrake and putting it in park. I started using wooden ramps when our metal ones had rust on them. They were many years old and were cut up before being chucked out. At the time wide wheel ramps were very eggspensive.


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They certainly look bery stable and if I finish the list on the disco I want to make some. I have just cleared a load of timber offcuts to the recycling centre. I have held onto them till now thinking they would come in useful for something. If only I had kept them a week longer.
plastic ramps turned up today , certainally look extremely sturdy and considerably lighter than metal ones

also bought front and middle row seats covers, by Inka

prefer these as there all in seperate pieces and tailor made to fit

didn't think there was any point getting any for the third row seats

nothing like wasting a few hours trying to fit the rear seat covers :rolleyes:

then decided to look at the instructions and then the penny drops, i ordered the wrongs one, dooohhhhh

i got the bench seat ones, mine are 3 x individual seats

rang them up , they were very helpful and sending out the right ones, just got to return mine

makes a change when companies have good customer service

front seat covers fitted a treat
got my T bolt clamps for my silicone turbo intercooler hoses

just got to fit them now, sob,sob


Tena's for men would have been cheaper.....:D

Do the dogs like them?


better get a mat on my seat then , lol

dogs soaked them after a walk, was pleased in how well they came up after just a towel to dry them off

like them as there tailored made to the car, so can still get to the seat belts etc

they've both got a clip harness , so if i brake sharply they won't go anywhere
Nah, they would just criticise the driver:) plus the seat belt light would be on.

And dogs should be in the boot!

disabled the seat belt light :p:D

u just click the seat belt in and out 9 x times, then hear a bong , which disables the passenger warning light

boot is for shopping , not my dogs , :D

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