Brake and traction failure message - good old brake light switch failure! £8.50 and 15 mins later - sorted.
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Started throwing up all sorts of errors, gear changes got rough. Checked oil level this AM. It was low by 3 litres (last time I checked was about 6 months ago). I think the cooler has a slight seep, noticed some traces of oil on the right side (looking from the front), will monitor oil levels over the next few days. May need to budget in for a new cooler though. D:
Started throwing up all sorts of errors, gear changes got rough. Checked oil level this AM. It was low by 3 litres (last time I checked was about 6 months ago). I think the cooler has a slight seep, noticed some traces of oil on the right side (looking from the front), will monitor oil levels over the next few days. May need to budget in for a new cooler though. D:

Get rid while you can :)
Get rid while you can :)
Nah, she was smooth as silk today, smooth gear changes, no errors logged in the usual places (two hills into work I manually select a lower gear which throws a fault for about 1 second). A new cooler will sort the problem for good. Why buy another second hand vehicle for cheap (lets be honest, any sub 5k P38 is there for a reason, same with sub 10k L322s) which will have it's own problems the seller didn't want to spend money on fixing. At least I know what my problems are and am fixing them. No point in starting from scratch.

Even if the gearbox dies, buying a new P38 (or a cheap L322) because of a dead box won't solve the problems as I won't know how good the box on it is. Better to replace/rebuild the box. At least then I know it is good.
Some idiotic jumped up never come down son of a bulgarian bull frog, decided that my hoofing big RR was a good thing to hit. Managed to break the n/s mirror glass. Well, not just break, knock it out completely. Now have to find a blue tint heated glass. :banghead::banghead:
Some idiotic jumped up never come down son of a bulgarian bull frog, decided that my hoofing big RR was a good thing to hit. Managed to break the n/s mirror glass. Well, not just break, knock it out completely. Now have to find a blue tint heated glass. :banghead::banghead:
Blue tint? I assume it is polarized then. Have fun with that, £100 a punt. D:
Blue tint? I assume it is polarized then. Have fun with that, £100 a punt. D:

2001 onwards have blue tints I have found out. Managed to get 1 off the bay for 25 notes.

At least it's not the photochromatic self dimming type. :)

And the back plate securing ring has been glued and screwed to mine! Shocking!
2001 onwards have blue tints I have found out. Managed to get 1 off the bay for 25 notes.

At least it's not the photochromatic self dimming type. :)

And the back plate securing ring has been glued and screwed to mine! Shocking!
I thought you had the self dimming type by the blue tint. Lucky boy. :p

Some real cowboy operators out there. :eek:
I thought you had the self dimming type by the blue tint. Lucky boy. :p

Some real cowboy operators out there. :eek:

You don't want to know about the cowboy that did the stereo job. Can't even find the original harness. It's got 1 there, but it is joined somewhere. Hence the new set up from scratch. :D:D
dave u have as much luck as me m8,i need a alternator now,some white van man took my drivers mirror off the other week wanted nearly £550 for a new one:eek:white van man was chased and caught and was all captured on my cctv so he couhed up:D his knees wobbled
dave u have as much luck as me m8,i need a alternator now,some white van man took my drivers mirror off the other week wanted nearly £550 for a new one:eek:white van man was chased and caught and was all captured on my cctv so he couhed up:D his knees wobbled


I could just imagine that with you, Luke and Malc.
Replaced both Lambda sensors on my '98 P38, found out axles stands don't give as much extra height as I'd thought. But the sun was shining so cannot complain.
I drove her 1 mile to the gym. Parked up, got my kit on went for an 8 mile loaded run. Came back, dumped my kit in the back , sat on the tailgate to recover, realised that it was a lie down I needed, so stretched out until I felt semi-human again. Got up, drove a mile back home and parked her up. :) Oh and she feels even better now she has new ball joints :)

That first bit is one of the most bizarre things I've read today :lol:

Anyway, finally got the tank out due to rusty bolt. Cleaned up the tank guard and started checking the rear fuel lines.
That first bit is one of the most bizarre things I've read today :lol:

Anyway, finally got the tank out due to rusty bolt. Cleaned up the tank guard and started checking the rear fuel lines.

It isn't that bizarre, it's really quite simple. The route is specifically worked out , from start to finish,to involve certain elements and avoid certain others. The start point is outside the door of the gym. It starts at the gym because it finishes at the gym and sometimes I do further training , in the gym, after the run. On top of which, to start anywhere else , including my home, would change the characteristics and elements of the route. Meaning that I could not get the elements required , within the distance required. The gym is one mile away. Ergo, drive to the start point, then drive home.
I do several different routes which all have their own reasons for being chosen. Out of them all only two start from house and only one of those doesn't involve playing chicken with the traffic most of the route.
So , again it's not really bizarre.
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Doing something to the RR that if it goes well, i will share some photos. If not, I'll hide in embarrassment. :D:D:D

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