Finally got round to fitting the sill finishers that I had lovingly repaired and renovated.
But I didn't cos as I found out they were for a 2 door instead. AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

There ought to be a "DOH!" to click in addition to the "like".

Just to check, the fly on your pants is in the direction you pee?!
Took her to the alloy shop get wheels made all pretty. Certainly Mrs Gold Rover , she'll be ready between two thirty and four.
In the meantime, dog is ill again so phoned the vet for as late an appt as possible because won't get car back until four. Three thirty I phone to check car is ready. Is it hellers like, won't be ready before five. Explained that I'm not impressed, told they always say between two and six. Not today you didnt I reply. To which they say can we call you back.
Woman calls back and tells me receptionist said she told me between two and six. Well she's lied straight to your face, I replied. Woman very apologetic and sorry but earliest we can have it ready for is five. Keep it until tomorrow then and make sure it dried properly, I replied.
So , instead of being given the correct facts, and being able to plan accordingly, I had to rush around like an idiot, to get my friend's car when she got in from work, back to mine, dog to vet, through rush hour traffic and have to change plans for tomorrow morning. All because some silly git can't tell the truth.
There ought to be a "DOH!" to click in addition to the "like".

Just to check, the fly on your pants is in the direction you pee?!

Mostly yes, depends on the angle of the dangle X quantity of wine taken on board X amount of notice the bladder decides to give the brain.
There are times when I think I am a blonde in disguise. Feck, feck, feck, feck.
So , instead of being given the correct facts, and being able to plan accordingly, I had to rush around like an idiot, to get my friend's car when she got in from work, back to mine, dog to vet, through rush hour traffic and have to change plans for tomorrow morning. All because some silly git can't tell the truth.

Bane of my f*cking life. Despite saying: "sure? I am not in a rush so think about it. Shall we double the time in case things don't go to plan? OK, well, if you're sure. 2pm it is ... WTF do you mean you've only just started?!"
Did some bits... I'm still a little limited and cant over do things yet, went around to Pete to pick up my Land Rover air pump, topped up watrer and put some antifreeze in, and filled up the washer bottle with new screen wash, checked iol, it was ok, and gerbox oil, that was fine too, put some graphite powder in the ignition lock to lube it, changed one wiper, might change the bladed on the lights 2morrow??
anyone know how to lube the electric supper locks?
Kicked the tyres, and thought how little I had done on it this year, being home all that time, but not being able to do it
Did some bits... I'm still a little limited and cant over do things yet, went around to Pete to pick up my Land Rover air pump, topped up watrer and put some antifreeze in, and filled up the washer bottle with new screen wash, checked iol, it was ok, and gerbox oil, that was fine too, put some graphite powder in the ignition lock to lube it, changed one wiper, might change the bladed on the lights 2morrow??
anyone know how to lube the electric supper locks?
Kicked the tyres, and thought how little I had done on it this year, being home all that time, but not being able to do it
Supper locks?
Started on the list of bits needed to put the engine back together. Think I can run to manifold gaskets and thermostat this week.. Dear Santa..
It's those searching questions: "do you really need one of those" "why is one of those so expensive" "what's it made of for that price" "just because it's got P38 written on it!?" "But the same disco' part is only half the price" ..
When you super lock the car, the electric screw lock come out to supper lock it, when you unlock it you can hear the motor winding it or pulling it out, sounds like its winding it
Strip the door latch to lub them but if I we're you I would take the little motor out and superlglue the mechanism so you will never have a problem with being superlocked out of the car.

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